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Re: procps doesn't buildd - /lib versus /lib64

> > > > This isn't a transition, this is a dual installed system. 64-bit and
> > > > 32-bit on a sparc64 is both sane and practical. It's not an emulation or
> > > > a midway point.
> > > 
> > > You're rationalizing a broken design.
> > > 
> > > Where do you put the Solaris libs? Do likewise.
> > > Running Solaris apps is equally "not an emulation".
> > > Maybe it's less of an emulation, given that the
> > > CPU is at least running in the native 64-bit mode.
> > 
> > /lib64 is taken from Solaris.
> OK, so that's where the Solaris libs belong.
> If I install a Solaris app on a Linux box,
> it'll go there, and Linux libs go in /lib.
> I'm glad we've cleared this up.

No, Solaris has normal libs in /lib and their 64-bit libs in /lib64.
Just like we do. Neat, huh?

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