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RE: noob with a few questions

I do kind of wish that Debian would define the run levels.  Only using run
level 2 as running everything has confused some people from other UNIX
worlds where 2 is typically single user no network, 3 multi-user network, 4
single user no network + X, and 5 is multi-user, network, X, kitchen sink

Not that I really care that much as I almost never worry about it, and only
don't like the fact that I have to explain it as different to other people.
For the most part I only ever use two run levels single and 2, with 2 being
fully booted to whatever I set up the system to be, and I don't really
change it much if ever.


 -----Original Message-----
From: 	Small, Jim [mailto:jim.small@eds.com] 
Sent:	Wednesday, March 03, 2004 10:14 AM
To:	debian-sparc@lists.debian.org
Subject:	RE: noob with a few questions

Agreed - I definitely prefer the way it's done in Debian.  I think it makes
sense to put some daemons in inittab, like licensing daemons or things that
provide crucial services, but I don't think X-Display Managers (xdm, gdm,
etc...) fall into this category.  I guess I also like how some UNIX/Linux
distros let you reboot with run-level 5, but I can see why some dislike it

<> Jim

> > 1.  How do I add something to the default run level?  I need afbinit to
> > run before X starts so I can have a fast(er) X experience.
> Put it in /etc/rc2.d/. All those run before X starts (X is started by
> /etc/inittab)
> That is not true in Debian, /etc/rc2.d/S99[gxk]dm is what starts X in
> Debian.
> X starting from inittab is fairly standard for other Linux distributions
> like
> Redhat and SUSE though and even other Unixes if I remember right.  I
> Do prefer the Debian method though, why treat X any different than other
> daemons.

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