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SPARC 2.6 serial and console issues

I just came into possession of an UltraSparc-2, which I built with
unstable. I decided to delve into 2.6. I'm still having a couple of
teething issues...The hardware is a dual-processor Ultra2 with 256MB RAM,
Creator card.

I set it up and hung a modem off of it. I can't get the serial port to run
at over 9600. I tried running setserial /dev/ttyS0, and it gave me 

[root@neghvar storm]# setserial /dev/ttyS0
/dev/ttyS0, UART: undefined, Port: 0x0000, IRQ: 7574272

If I try to define it to spd_vhi (56k modem), that fails too:

[root@neghvar storm]# setserial /dev/ttyS0 spd_vhi
Cannot set serial info: Invalid argument

dmesg, is seeing both ports:

SunZilog: 2 chips.
zs2 at 0x000001fff1000004 (irq = 12,7e8) is a SunZilog
zs3 at 0x000001fff1000000 (irq = 12,7e8) is a SunZilog
ttyS0 at MMIO 0x0 (irq = 7574272) is a SunZilog
ttyS1 at MMIO 0x0 (irq = 7574272) is a SunZilog

but I can't do anything to configure them. I've been googling for the last
couple of hours, I recompiled the kernel to take out the
console=/dev/ttyS0 in the 2.6.3 kernel config boot line. The Sun Zilog
8530 is compiled into the kernel rather than making it a module...

Another thing I haven't been able to figure out. I have a Sun type4
keyboard, but when I try to type with 2.6.3, all i get is garbage. Instead
of the black screen I get with 2.4.x, I get the Sun white screen,
and the keyboard doesn't work right. For instance, hitting the backspace
gives me a [17~ and enter is a [C and so forth. Can you tell me where I
lost the black penguin screen and the keyboard? (Note, for console
drivers, I have PROM console, Select compiled-in fonts, VGA 9x9, VGA 8x16,
Sparc console 8x16, and Sparc console 12x22 compiled in, and Framebuffer
console as a module.) I also have everything compiled in for Logo config.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Bradley M. Alexander                |
SysAdmin, Security Engineer    |   storm [at] tux.org
Debian/GNU Linux Developer          |   storm [at] debian.org
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Fetchez la vasche!

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