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Re: 2.6.2 on SS20

On Sat, 2004-03-06 17:09:08 +1300, James Whatever <james@giantrobot.co.nz>
wrote in message <[🔎] 0413A551-6F24-11D8-A1DD-000A957DCC26@giantrobot.co.nz>:
> I'm just about to compile up 2.6 for the first time on my SS20, which 
> has a dual 125MHz ross hypersparc card in it.  I've done heaps of 2.6 
> upgrades on x86 and powerpc, but I thought I had better check for 
> gotyas that other people might have run into - like the fact that 
> CONFIG_PREEMPT=y makes a powerpc machine randomly segfault processes :)

2.6.x SMP won't yet run on sparc32. Keith Wesolowski is working on it
(as time permits), so wait, do tests or just try to help woing work.
Please also join the sparclinux@vger.kernel.org mailing list.


   Jan-Benedict Glaw       jbglaw@lug-owl.de    . +49-172-7608481
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