Re: [Blade150/netinst] Blue screen of Death...
Mandi! Ben Collins
In chel di` si favelave...
> Try booting the tftp image with ide=nodma
Yesss!!! WORKS!!! ;)))
Many thanks, i've some little question about:
+ i can recompile the kernel with ``enable dma only for disks'' and
remove the ide=nodma option?
+ this boot disk uses LVM and devfs, and i'm not used with these. They
are mandatory or i can simply recompile the kernel without?
+ can i try to compile the 2.6.4 kernel on this box, or better no?
+ someone can send to me a working xf86config-4 file? Google say me
that for a blade 100 i can use:
i'ts the same, right?
I've found a little problem in installation. I've booted with:
boot net ide=nodma
at prom prompt, but this switch was not saved in /etc/silo.conf, so the
next reboot the box hangs. I've added it manually on silo prompt and
then added to /etc/silo.conf, but i'm asking if the installer can detect
it and automatically configure silo.
Many thanks.
dott. Marco Gaiarin GNUPG Key ID: 240A3D66
Associazione ``La Nostra Famiglia''
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