debian-devel Aug 2010 by thread
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Re: segmentation fault (a.o. in /u/s/debconf/frontend) Hans-J. Ullrich
Re: RFA: a lot of packages Magnus Holmgren
Bug#591684: ITP: liblog-any-adapter-perl -- tell Log::Any where to log USB
RFH: How to compile swf files from source Charlie Smotherman
Bug#591704: ITP: pd-windowing -- a library of windowing functions in Pd Hans-Christoph Steiner
Bug#591707: ITP: pd-smlib -- signal processing library for Pd for mapping data Hans-Christoph Steiner
Bug#591708: ITP: pd-purepd -- a library of standard objects re-implemented using Pd-vanilla Hans-Christoph Steiner
Bug#591709: ITP: pd-pmpd -- physical modeling library for Pd Hans-Christoph Steiner
Bug#591711: ITP: pd-pdogg -- a collection of ogg/vorbis objects for Pd Hans-Christoph Steiner
Bug#591713: ITP: pd-smlib -- Signal processing library for Mapping, for Pd Hans-Christoph Steiner
Bug#591727: ITP: jansi-native -- Java library that allows to use ANSI escape sequences - Native impl Miguel Landaeta
Bug#591728: ITP: jansi -- Java library that allows to use ANSI escape sequences Miguel Landaeta
Bug#591729: ITP: hawtjni -- Java library that provide JNI code generation Miguel Landaeta
l7-filter does not mark any package Niccolò Belli
Bug#591732: ITP: pd-pddp -- a support library for the Pure Data Documentation Project Hans-Christoph Steiner
Bug#591735: ITP: pd-pan -- a library of stereo panning algorithms for Pd Hans-Christoph Steiner
Bug#591736: ITP: pd-motex -- Pd Externals by Iain Mott Hans-Christoph Steiner
Bug#591737: ITP: pd-moonlib -- library of Pd objects related to GUI control Hans-Christoph Steiner
Bug#591790: ITP: font-manager -- font management application for the GNOME desktop Alessio Treglia
courier-authlib shlibs missing Neil McGovern
Bug#591817: ITP: rubinius -- Rubinius is an implementation of the Ruby programming language. Steven R. Baker
Bug#591824: ITP: pd-mjlib -- library of Pd objects for composing music Hans-Christoph Steiner
Bug#591825: ITP: pd-maxlib -- a Pd library for analysing musical performance Hans-Christoph Steiner
Bug#591826: ITP: pd-markex -- a library Pd of misc objects from Mark Danks Hans-Christoph Steiner
Bug#591827: ITP: pd-mapping -- a Pd library for creatively mapping data Hans-Christoph Steiner
Bug#591831: ITP: stackapplet -- panel applet to track reputation on StackExchange sites Luke Faraone
Bug#591834: ITP: pd-list-abs -- a library of list operations for Pd Hans-Christoph Steiner
Bug#591835: ITP: libtest-log-dispatch-perl -- A Log::Dispatch object to test what is being logged USB
Bug#591840: ITP: pd-jmmmp -- a collection of Pd GUI objects for musical performance Hans-Christoph Steiner
Bug#591841: ITP: pd-hcs -- a random grabbag of Pd objects by Hans-Christoph Steiner Hans-Christoph Steiner
Bug#591843: ITP: pd-freeverb -- studio-quality Schroeder/Moorer reverb as a Pd object Hans-Christoph Steiner
Bug#591844: ITP: pd-ext13 -- a collection of objects for Pd by dieb13 Hans-Christoph Steiner
Bug#591846: ITP: pd-earplug -- binaural filter based on KEMAR impulse measurement for Pd Hans-Christoph Steiner
Bug#591847: ITP: pd-cxc -- pd externals library powered by zt0ln d4ta Hans-Christoph Steiner
CDBS & Multiple source directories in a single source Jonathan Lassoff
Bug#591848: ITP: pd-bassemu -- a Pd object for transistor bass emulation Hans-Christoph Steiner
Bug#591855: ITP: mpris-remote -- command-line interface for mpris compatbile media players Ulrich Dangel
Work-needing packages report for Aug 6, 2010 wnpp
Bug#591871: ITP: ibus-xkbc -- Keyboard layout emulation engine based on XKeyboard Config data Asias He
Bug#591877: ITP: libdigest-jhash-perl -- Perl extension for 32 bit Jenkins Hashing Algorithm USB
Bug#591894: ITP: pyxpcom -- XPCOM bindings for Python Mike Hommey
Bug#591902: RFP: xul-ext-firexpath -- FireXPath is a Firebug extension that adds a development tool to edit, inspect and generate XPath expressions. Roman V. Nikolaev
Any information if Marcela Tiznado ( still around? (package 'when') Salvatore Bonaccorso
Bug#591930: ITP: openttd-openmsx -- a free music set for use with the OpenTTD game Matthijs Kooijman
Re: all twitter client should support OAuth before they will drop Basic Auth in August Hideki Yamane
Bug#592030: ITP: libhash-moreutils-perl -- Perl module with additional hash functions not found in Hash::Util USB
Bug#592073: ITP: xinput-calibrator -- A generic touchscreen calibration program for X.Org Tias Guns
Re: Bug#505111: will suggest removal from testing Neil McGovern
Bug#592093: O: tcsh -- TENEX C Shell, an enhanced version of Berkeley csh Lucas Nussbaum
Bug#592091: ITP: groovyserv -- Groovy library that makes Groovy's startup time much faster Miguel Landaeta
debdiff for v3 source packages with multiple tarballs? Matthias Klose
doc-base is hugely unloved; bug mass-filing needed? Ian Zimmerman
Re: doc-base is hugely unloved; bug mass-filing needed? Steve Langasek
Re: doc-base is hugely unloved; bug mass-filing needed? Thomas Goirand
Re: doc-base is hugely unloved; bug mass-filing needed? Tollef Fog Heen
Bug#592133: ITP: curlpp -- C++ wrapper for libcurl Goedson Teixeira Paixao
Bug#592159: ITP: poezio -- XMPP terminal-based client Nicolas Maître
Bug#592190: ITP: libterm-sk-perl -- Perl extension for displaying a progress indicator on a terminal Carlo Segre
Bug#592193: ITP: libdevice-usb-perl -- Perl module to access USB devices using libusb Tim Retout
Bug#592197: ITP: libterm-twiddle-perl -- Twiddles a thingy while-u-wait Carlo Segre
.deb package for a library generation Zvi Dubitzky
Bug#592231: ITP: auto-multiple-choice -- multiple choice papers management Georges Khaznadar
Bug#592287: ITP: php-testing-selenium -- PHP Client for the Selenium Remote Control test tool Mark A. Hershberger
Bug#592311: ITP: spectacle -- RPM Spec file generator and management tool Fathi Boudra
Bug#592314: ITP: meego-packaging-tools -- MeeGo packaging tools Fathi Boudra
Update Lenny to Squeeze Michel
Bug#592353: ITP: ejabberd-mod-shared-roster-ldap -- Shared Roster via LDAP for ejabberd Thorsten Glaser
libcairo2 in squeeze & subpixel rendering Stanislav Maslovski
Support for creating installer packages Malte Forkel
Bug#592390: ITP: spm8 -- analysis of brain imaging data sequences Michael Hanke
eXtplorer web file manager packaging work and SWFUpload packaging Thomas Goirand
Bug#592413: ITP: qxmpp -- cross-platform C++ XMPP library Jeremy Laine
why are there /bin and /usr/bin... Bruce Sass
Is Jonas Genannt MIA? Ernesto Hernández-Novich
Re: chromium-browser from experimental has included h.264 by default? Adam D. Barratt
Usage of /var/lib for databases not properly described in policy Andreas Tille
Sprints (Was: (seasoned) bits from the DPL: comm, derivatives, delegations, money) Andreas Tille
Notes from the DebConf Source Format BoF Russ Allbery
Bug#592572: ITP: Marave -- A text editor that helps you focus on writing. Chris Silva
Raw Idea: one more control field for sponsors Toni Mueller
Bug#592668: ITP: autopack -- Message packing for MPI made easy Christophe Prud'homme
Bug#592689: ITP: turtleart -- a LOGO-like tool for teaching programming Luke Faraone
Bug#548195: marked as done (Move cmap and cmap depend package to main) Debian Bug Tracking System
My report after the BOF on distributed bugtrackers at DebConf Olivier Berger
Non-recompilable binaries in source and binary packages (Adobe Flash strikes again) Tanguy Ortolo
Work-needing packages report for Aug 13, 2010 wnpp
Bug#592819: ITP: librivescript-perl -- Simple trigger/response language primarily used for the creation of chatting robots Onur Aslan
Bug#592856: RFP: libcgi-session3-perl -- CGI::Session - persistent session data in CGI applications Roman V. Nikolaev
RFC: Policy 10.1 and appropriateness of package conflicts Michael Hanke
Bug#592877: ITP: ups -- Universal Package System Julian Andres Klode
status of /etc/environment? Christoph Anton Mitterer
Bug#592923: ITP: python-aiml -- an Artificial Intelligence Markup Language interpreter for Python Luke Faraone
Bug#592962: ITP: python-pygene -- simple python genetic algorithms/programming library Mathieu Negri
Bug#592967: ITP: jnr-posix -- basic POSIX-like functions for Java Torsten Werner
Bug#592968: ITP: jnr-netdb -- java interface for network functions Torsten Werner
Intent to hijack anarchism Mauro Lizaur
Debug output etc, cluttering the terminal Michael Welle
- Re: Debug output etc, cluttering the terminal Neil Williams
- Re: Debug output etc, cluttering the terminal brian m. carlson
- Re: Debug output etc, cluttering the terminal Paul Wise
- Re: Debug output etc, cluttering the terminal Michael Welle
- Re: Debug output etc, cluttering the terminal Neil Williams
- Re: Debug output etc, cluttering the terminal Michael Welle
- Re: Debug output etc, cluttering the terminal Wouter Verhelst
- Re: Debug output etc, cluttering the terminal Neil Williams
- Re: Debug output etc, cluttering the terminal Ben Hutchings
- Re: Debug output etc, cluttering the terminal Goswin von Brederlow
- Re: Debug output etc, cluttering the terminal Emilio Pozuelo Monfort
- Re: Debug output etc, cluttering the terminal Peter Miller
- Re: Debug output etc, cluttering the terminal Emilio Pozuelo Monfort
- Re: Debug output etc, cluttering the terminal Josselin Mouette
- Re: Debug output etc, cluttering the terminal Goswin von Brederlow
- Re: Debug output etc, cluttering the terminal Timo Juhani Lindfors
- Re: Debug output etc, cluttering the terminal Neil Williams
- Re: Debug output etc, cluttering the terminal Roger Leigh
- Re: Debug output etc, cluttering the terminal Michael Welle
- Re: Debug output etc, cluttering the terminal Josef Spillner
- Re: Debug output etc, cluttering the terminal Christian PERRIER
Constantly Usable Testing team forming Joey Hess
Re: New LILO upstream development Tollef Fog Heen
Bug#592986: ITP: w3c-sgml-lib -- DTDs etc for W3C markup validator Nicholas Bamber
Bug#592997: ITP: yecht -- Yecht is a Syck port, a YAML 1.0 processor for Ruby Torsten Werner
Bug#593009: ITP: open-dis -- Distributed Interactive Simulation Protocol. James Goppert
gutenprint maintenance Roger Leigh
Closing non-bugs (a.k.a. fixed version is same as found version) Luk Claes
Bug#593122: ITP: algotutor -- program for observing the intermediate steps of algorithm Georges Khaznadar
Bug#593126: ITP: chemical-structures -- A set of molecular structures in open formats Georges Khaznadar
Bug#593130: ITP: pymecavideo -- a pedagogic tool to analyze video records for mechanics Georges Khaznadar
Bug#593132: ITP: pysatellites -- simulates the launching of satellites Georges Khaznadar
Bug#593135: ITP: pyacidobasic -- a simulation tool for acido-basic titrations Georges Khaznadar
libexplain: need access to debian alpha machine Peter Miller
OMG WTF BBQ balloons Ian Jackson
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