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Re: Debian crash randomly

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On 04/27/08 22:42, mond wrote:
> On Apr 26, 9:20 pm, mond <mond...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I am almost new to Debian. It is a great system. I get my work done in
>> Debian very well.
>> However, recently my Debian(sid) crash randomly and frequently.
>> The problem is that the screen just get dark. And "ctrl+alt+backspace"
>> doesn't work. "Ctrl +alt+f1" doesn't work either.
>> So I just wonder if there is something like system log that I can
>> check what is going wrong.
>> I googled for while, but jet not a clue.
> Some update:
> 1. I think it is all about X( form the log you can tell). The system
> is not down. I don,t have another computer home. So I can not ssh when
> it crashes. But I will test it in office  if it crashes.
> 2. The is no keyboard light flashing, so basically it is not a kernel
> problem. I actually tried to use other kernels, but it does not help.
> 3. gdm_slave_xioerror_handler: Fatal X error - Restarting :0 is the
> reason why it crashes. I googled for a while. A lot of debian and
> ubuntu users suffer the same problem and jet there is no solution,at
> least i have not found any.

Terminate/disable gdm, and log in at the console.  Use "startx" to
active X.  Then see if your problem persists, and if Ctrl-Alt-BS
still won't work.

BTW, what video card & driver are you using, and are you using DRI?

- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA

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