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Re: Replace Ubuntu with Debian

On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 03:04:47PM -0400, Igor wrote:
> The obvious thing to do is to change the apt sources and run a
> dist-upgrade.

if you really want to do this, you also should configure pin priorities
in  /etc/apt/preferences (man 5 apt_preferences ; give a pin priority >=
1001 to debian and a very low priority to ubuntu) and have temporarilly
both ubuntu and debian in sources.list; at the end of the upgrade (which
could, and possibly should, be done in stages: first the
required/essential packages, then global upgrade, then dist-upgrade)
when no more ubuntu packages are installed, you can (and possibly
should) remove ubuntu from sources.list and preferences

This is like the _unsupported_ (but often working, if you are able to
manually correct errors that can sometimes slip in) downgrading

   Linkname: apt preferences pin downgrade - Google Search
        URL: http://www.google.com/search?q=apt+preferences+pin+downgrade&num=100

   Linkname: Downgrading Debian
        URL: http://people.debian.org/~osamu/downgrade.html

and so on. Look for possible problems and decide yourself (I never had
used Ubuntu, but in the past I did with no real pain downgrades from
sarge/testing to woody/stable and one time from etch/testing to

Chi usa software non libero avvelena anche te. Digli di smettere.
Informatica=arsenico: minime dosi in rari casi patologici, altrimenti letale.
Informatica=bomba: intelligente solo per gli stupidi che ci credono.

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