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Re: problem setting user and group on mounting a cifs share

On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 10:48:40PM +0200, Chris wrote:
> On Tuesday 29 April 2008, NN_il_Confusionario wrote:
> > Or try NFS instead of cifs
> I want others (windows) to be able to read the data - that's what I have a NAS 
> for.

you could use NFS when mounting from linux and the Microsoft protocol
when using the NAS from windows (however, note that Microsoft's SFU are
downloadable at no cost and support NSF as client and as server, from
2000 onwards).

But if the cause of the problem with timestamps is the filesystem on the
disk of the NAS, then it is possible that no full solution really exists
(unless you hack the NAS; wikipedia seem to imply that something like
debian can be installed on your device).

Chi usa software non libero avvelena anche te. Digli di smettere.
Informatica=arsenico: minime dosi in rari casi patologici, altrimenti letale.
Informatica=bomba: intelligente solo per gli stupidi che ci credono.

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