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Re: Howto mount a Debian disk (LVM, dm-crypt)?

Andrew wrote:
>   You can manually start up the encrypted virtual device using
> "cryptsetup luksOpen <device> <name>", where <device> is the 
> base device, /dev/sd<x>, and <name> is the virtual device you 
> want to create.
>   Once the decrypted device is set up, you can then do 
> "mount /dev/mapper/<name> <mountpt>", where <name> is the same
> name as the foregoing command, and <mountpt> is the mount point
> where you want to put it.

Thanks for the hint, but it does not work.

When I connect my disk, I get the following new devices:
/dev/sda and /dev/sda{1,2,5}.

I can do:
# losetup /dev/loopX /dev/sda5
# cryptSetup luksOpen /dev/loopX foobar
(asks for passphrase, everything fine, so far)

Now I think I have to "vgchange -a y", but it fails,
maybe because my new disks VG has the same name as the
one on the disk I like to mount? d-i seems to take
the VG name from the machine name, and because I did
not change my computers name, it seems to conflict here.
How can I rename my VG? (vgchange warns about "Duplicate
VG name - and segfaults.)

When I get my VG activated, mounting should be easy, but
now I'm lost.
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