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Re: Replace Ubuntu with Debian

Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso wrote:
On 30/04/2008, Damon L. Chesser <damon@damtek.com> wrote:
 Do you ever hear your fans blow?

Yep, just tried to find the L2 condition number of a 10,000x10,000
random matrix, and I heard the fan go on when I did that. The CPU
temperature went up to 70C, and then came back down to 40C after I
halted the silly computation.

Hm, but the fan seems to be blowing all the time, except when I just
turn on the machine after it's been in a cool place and off for a long
time. Or should it blow harder when I do computations? I didn't notice
a change.

- Jordi G. H.

Sometime today I will turn off i8k and let you know of the behavior. I don't remember the default because I scourer the internet for howtos before I install debian on any laptop to look for pit falls before I start. So, right from day one, I just went and got i8kutils. Besides with a low (wow, how far we have come!) level cpu like this, why run amd64? I would gain nothing, can't even run vms with vitalization turned on. I would get Geek points, and that IS worth thinking about..........

Damon L. Chesser

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