debian-isp Feb 2001 by thread
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quota problem. Cho Yoonbae
satellite connections Andrea Glorioso
NAT problems Tobias Geijersson
pop3 and Maildir Mitchell
multiple MTA's Maurice Verhagen
E-Mail David Ranger
To compile cyrus under debian Pascal Pucci
Not really Debian Chris Evans
ipchains or iptables either way Allen Ahoffman
policy routing Cenk Hasirlioglu
lpd with libwrap (or tcp wrappers) Jeremy C. Reed
POP3 and SMTP server for an ISP Litzler Mihály
Masquerading and users... Jerzy Miszczyk
sendmail virtual pop Matt Fair
exim smarthost Maurice Verhagen
pppd-server with 'none' or same 'user-id/Password' Michelle Konzack
pam failure David Bishop
htaccess failure Martin WHEELER
Boot procedure on old SPARCs Guenter Millahn
syslog Kevin
virtual pop login Matt Fair
Napster Cache? Robert Davidson
intel 815eaal motherboard Allen Ahoffman
proftp Felipe Alvarez Harnecker
Strange message Javier Castillo Alcibar
rpc nfs A . Ramos
DNS Configuration doubt =?ca_es.iso-8859-15?q?Josep_Llaurad=F3_Selvas?=
RADIUS accounting and block accounts Jeremy Lunn
htaccess success! Martin WHEELER
forwarding mail to internal mail server Jeremy L. Gaddis
isdn4linux Michelle Konzack
off topic but... Allen Ahoffman
Compile apache-ssl Grischa Schuering
IMAP/POP3 + Maildir Jeff Waugh
OT: pppd wanted between two compu's Sebastiaan
lastb. usefull ? Felipe Alvarez Harnecker
load logging package Felipe Alvarez Harnecker
Fck iexplorer and .pac files Felipe Alvarez Harnecker
compile vs. apt-get (dpkg) Grischa Schuering
The last update was on 14:38 GMT Sun Aug 16. There are 236 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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