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Re: pop3 and Maildir

On Thu, 15 Feb 2001 09:17:12 +0100, Eric Ravelomamantsoa
<eravelo@dexem.com> wrote:
>I've been following this thread with interest because I'm also looking 
>for a pop3 server for a Debian system . Anyway. There are some basic 
>points I'm missing though. What are the pros and cons of Maildir versus 
>other formats.

Maildir does not require locking, and it easily enables you to enforce
mail quota. Additionally, you can expire mail messages after reaching
a certain age with standard UNIX file system tools, and, deleting
messages out of the spool doesn't mean that you have to copy the
entire mailbox.

You need, howver, a file system that handles large directories better
than ext2fs does for any system of non-trivial size.


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Marc Haber          |   " Questions are the         | Mailadresse im Header
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