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Re: WARNING - Virus infected messages on list Re: WARNING. You sent a potential virus or unauthorised code WDM broken in woody ? web browser web irc web mail Re: Web pages with Konquorer Weird Error Weird error Re: Weird Error weird rpc.statd messages on potato Re: wer-weiss-was: debian what fax software do you suggest? what happened to ssh2? What is NAVIDAD.exe What partition? what task-imap is for ? What's the Debian way to install LAMP? when will I learn? [was: getting german "umlauts" on potato] whence "ping -w"? where does debian hide its iso images? Where is C 'pow' function? where is the lockfile command... Where is the sqrt() function in glibc? What is libm? Re: Where is the sqrt() function in glibc? What is libm? Where on the disks 2.2 is LyX? Where to find unzip? Re: where to put shell scripts? where's plperl? Which editor for programming? which kernel option provide char-major-100 modules Which kernel to use for SMP? Which processor type for Celeron? whiteboard/groupboard Who is 'nobody'? Who is this virus sender???? Who supplies kupdate? whois use Why does DPMS kill my X session? Why does the server allow attachments anyway ??? Why doesn't alt-x in Emacs doesn't work? Why is it so hard to connect to ISP in Debian 2.0? Why Lexmark Z11 doesn't work? why no DRI for G200 in X4 why no DRI for G400 in X4 (was: Re: why no DRI for G200 in X4) Why non-free (was Re: unzip - again) Why not dselect? why windows users on debian list Wierd ISP Email Processing Windowmaker and sound Windowmaker themes? wine & w2k wm wmaker sound Woody woody & security Woody and Reiserfs Woody broke XScreenSaver ? Woody clobbers Blackdown! Woody Libc5/6 woody networking problems woody upgrade still breaks apt-get WordPerfect 8 on Debian 2.2 with XFree86 3.3.6 Working!! Workstation and IP-Masquerading Re: Workstation and IP-Masquerading -> newbieDoc? World's largest mailing list? Wrong message - Was: How to install LAMP the Debian way wu-ftp problem wu-ftpd wvdial Wvdial & pppd X X 4.0 and port 6000 X 4.0 with GD5446 X 4.0.1 & i810 X 4.0.1 crashes (:0 and :1 running) X 4.0.1 fixed font problem Re: X 4.0.1 w/ VooDoo3 300 Re: X 4.0.1 w/ VooDoo3 300 (Working!) X 4.0.1 w/ VooDoo3 3000 X 4.01 gives blank screen X broken after today's woody update X color depth question Re: X config problem causes me to have reinstall entire OS--!!newbie warning!! X configuration deleted by upgrade (potato r0 to r1)! Please help X configuration help needed (3.3.6) X for windows... X on 3DLabs Oxygen VX1 card? X on PowerMac 9500 w/ ATI Mach64 X over the network was: Re: 386 install X setup help, please x-tt X11 Clock for different time zones? X4 and a Trident Card? (was: Re: XFree86 4.0.1 and TrueType fonts) X4 and DRI X4 DRI refuses to go direct X4 DRI works on my G400!?? X4 lacking color definitions X4.0.1 and ET6K X4.0.1 crashing -- help! xbase-clients_4.0.1-1_i386.deb is missing sessreg xconsole eats up RAM (a LOT) xdm not getting/giving authority for X to allow login xdm takes so long to start [was Re: New X Server crashes] XEmacs & CPerl: DEL doesn't forward-delete? XF4 and 2.4.0 XF4.0.1, ct65554 16bpp @ 1024x768? XF86_3DLabs and/or XF86_FBDev (3.3.6) on AXi w/PGX32 xf86cfg error? xf86cfg problem XF86Config wierdness XF86Config-4 for medion laptop? xfee86 in woody? XFree Xfree 4 XFree 4 + Woody + DGA XFree 4 and S3 Vortex4 chipset XFree 4 connection prob XFree 4.0 .deb from woody on a potato system??? XFree 4.0 .deb from woody on a potato system??? (fwd) XFree 4.0.1 XFree 4.0.1 and ct65554 xfree 4.0.1 and keyboard configuration Re: XFree 4.0.1 and Quake XFree 4.0.1 and xdm XFree 4.0.1 upgrade problem: Mouse now a big blob? XFree 4.x Package xfree 4: "unknown reason for exeption"; clock problems XFree4.01 XFree86 + NV_GLX xfree86 4 XFree86 4.0 XFree86 4.0.1 Xfree86 4.0.1 access rights XFree86 4.0.1 and gdm XFree86 4.0.1 and kernel 2.4.0-test10 XFree86 4.0.1 and Matrox G200 XFree86 4.0.1 and TrueType fonts XFree86 4.0.1 and Voodoo3 -- how do I test? XFree86 4.0.1 configuration XFree86 4.0.1 crashes hard XFree86 4.0.1: Strange ssh behaviour XFree86 4.01 xfree86 4.x, sony vaio c1xd, neomagic chip XFree86 version 4 errors XFS hanging during boot xinetd and fetchmail xinetd vs. inetd Re: xkb settings, BackSpace not working in X Re: xkb settings, BS not working XKEYBOARD in X 3.3.6 xlibs 4.0.1-4 version wont install The last update was on 09:12 GMT Sun May 19. There are 5044 messages. Page 10 of 11.

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