debian-l10n-french May 2003 by thread
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- Re: [HS] Emacs et les espaces (Re: Espaces doubles après un point) Christian Perrier
- Debian WWW CVS commit by chcouder: webwml/french/Bugs Developer.wml Denis Barbier
- Debian WWW CVS commit by chcouder: webwml/french/Bugs Reporting.wml Denis Barbier
- Debian WWW CVS commit by chcouder: webwml/french/Bugs server-request.wml Denis Barbier
- [ITT] grub-installer Lucien Coste
- Re: Traduction de "wrapper" (fut "binding" et "widget") Daniel Déchelotte
- Debian WWW CVS commit by chcouder: webwml/french/MailingLists index.wml Denis Barbier
- [relu] man d'update-menus Sylvain Cherrier
- [DDR] webwml://News/weekly/2003/17/index.wml Frédéric Bothamy
- Debian WWW CVS commit by chcouder: webwml/french/devel passwordlessssh.wml Denis Barbier
- Debian WWW CVS commit by chcouder: webwml/french/international Finnish.wml Denis Barbier
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/News/weekly/2003/17 index.wml Denis Barbier
- Re: [relu] Frédéric Bothamy
- [Important] Pages web obsoletes Script watching translation state
- [relu] man update-menus Sylvain Cherrier
- [ITT] po-debconf://openslp/fr.po Christian Perrier
- [Relu] po-debconf://dictionaries-common/fr.po Christian Perrier
- [Relu] po-debconf://apt-build/fr.po Christian Perrier
- [Relu] po-debconf://mantis/fr.po Christian Perrier
- [Relu] po-debconf://xplanet/fr.po Christian Perrier
- Mise a jour de Christian Perrier
- [ddr] webwml:/security/2003/dsa-296.wml Thomas Marteau
- [DDR] po-debconf:// Lucien Coste
- [ddts] rapport hebdo Nicolas Bertolissio
- Debian WWW CVS commit by chcouder: webwml/french/international/German index.wml Denis Barbier
- Debian WWW CVS commit by chcouder: webwml/french/international/Polish index.wml Denis Barbier
- Debian WWW CVS commit by chcouder: webwml/french/intro about.wml Denis Barbier
- Debian WWW CVS commit by chcouder: webwml/french/mirror ftpmirror.wml Denis Barbier
- Debian WWW CVS commit by chcouder: webwml/french/mirror index.wml Denis Barbier
- Debian WWW CVS commit by chcouder: webwml/french/mirror submit.wml Denis Barbier
- Debian WWW CVS commit by chcouder: webwml/french/releases/potato index.wml Denis Barbier
- Debian WWW CVS commit by chcouder: webwml/french/releases/potato/installguide ind ... Denis Barbier
- Debian WWW CVS commit by pmachard: webwml/french/security/2003 dsa-296.wml Denis Barbier
- [ddr] webwml:/security/2003/dsa-295,297,298.wml Thomas Marteau
- Debian WWW CVS commit by mquinson: webwml/french/News/weekly index.wml Denis Barbier
- [Relu] webwml://News/1998/19980901/wml Willy Picard
- Re: [Relu] webwml://devel/join/nm-step1.wml Nicolas Boullis
- Debian WWW CVS commit by pmachard: webwml/french/devel/join nm-step1.wml Denis Barbier
- Debian WWW CVS commit by pmachard: webwml/french/News/1998 19980901.wml Denis Barbier
- Debian WWW CVS commit by pmachard: webwml/french/security/2003 dsa-295.wml dsa-29 ... Denis Barbier
- [DDR] po-debconf://locales/fr.po Denis Barbier
- Debian WWW CVS commit by barbier: webwml/french/security/2003 dsa-294.wml Denis Barbier
- Debian WWW CVS commit by kraai: webwml russian/vote/2003/platforms/branden.wml ... Denis Barbier
- Rappel mensuel des pages web Debian non traduites Denis Barbier
- Emacseries pour typo française Christian Perrier
- [DDR] po-debconf://catalog/fr.po Christian Perrier
- Re: [ITT] FAQ Debian Martin Quinson
- Detail de traduction Nicolas Boulenguez
- [ITT] po-debconf://caudium/fr.po Christian Perrier
- [ITT] po-debconf://yiff/fr.po Christian Perrier
- [ITT] ]po-debconf://systrace/fr.po Christian Perrier
- [ITT] po-debconf://sysstat/fr.po Christian Perrier
- [DDR] webwml://News/1998/19980904.wml Willy Picard
- [ddr] webwml:/security/crossreferences.wml Thomas Marteau
- manpages-fr et UTF-8 Jérôme Marant
- Fichier po de debconf et UTF-8 Jérôme Marant
- Re: DDTP issue Michael Bramer
- [ddr] webwml:/security/2003/dsa-299,300.wml Thomas Marteau
- [ Traduction de la DWN 18/2003] Pierre Machard
- compilation et utilisation de gnupg iznogood
- [ddr] webwml://french/News/weekly/2003/18/index.wml Frédéric Bothamy
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/News/weekly/2003/18 index.wml Denis Barbier
- [DDR URGENT] po-debconf://lilo/fr.po Christian Perrier
- Re: [MaJ] support.wm Norbert Bottlaender-Prier
- Debian WWW CVS commit by barbier: webwml/french support.wml Denis Barbier
- GPL en français? Christian Perrier
- [relu] Michel Grentzinger
- [DDR] MàJ: webwml://french/logos/index.wml Guillaume Leclanche
- [ITT] po-debconf://sqlite/fr.po Christian Perrier
- [ITT] po-debonf://snort/fr.po Christian Perrier
- [ITT] po-debconf://prc-tools/fr.po Christian Perrier
- [relu] po-debconf:// Lucien Coste
- Probleme avec ? Daniel Dechelotte
- subscribe David CABATON
- Demande d'informations.... David CABATON
- [ddr] questionnaire debconf pour caudium Philippe Batailler
- pb de traduction Sylvain Cherrier
- [Relu] webwml://french/News/1998/19980904.wml Willy Picard
- [Relu] po-debconf://locales/fr.po Denis Barbier
- [ddr] mise à jour de apt_preferences.5.sgml Philippe Batailler
- Re: [HS] Re: Traductions de "binding" et "widget" Martin Quinson
- Debian WWW CVS commit by mquinson: webwml/french/security/2003 dsa-299.wml dsa-30 ... Denis Barbier
- Debian WWW CVS commit by mquinson: webwml/french/security crossreferences.wml Denis Barbier
- Re: GPL en français? charles . grellois
- Debian WWW CVS commit by mquinson: webwml/french/News/1998 19980904.wml Denis Barbier
- GPL en français Charles Grellois
- Debian WWW CVS commit by djpig: webwml japanese/devel/index.wml russian/devel/ ... Denis Barbier
- APT cause français Christian Perrier
- [Relu] webwml://News/1998/19980904.wml Willy Picard
- [ddr] webwml:/security/2003/dsa-301,302.wml Thomas Marteau
- Debian WWW CVS commit by mquinson: webwml/french/security/2003 dsa-301.wml dsa-30 ... Denis Barbier
- [DDR] webwml://News/1998/19980915a.wml Willy Picard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by mquinson: webwml/french/News/1998 19980915a.wml Denis Barbier
- unsubscribe RUBI Julien
- Re: APT causefrançais jigso
- [DDR] webwml://french/News/weekly/2003/19/index.wml Frédéric Bothamy
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/News/weekly/2003/19 index.wml Denis Barbier
- Outil de traduction en ligne Martin Quinson
- [DDR] webwml://News/1998/19980915b.wml Willy Picard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by barbier: webwml/french/devel index.wml Denis Barbier
- Debian WWW CVS commit by barbier: webwml/french/News/weekly/2003/19 index.wml Denis Barbier
- Debian WWW CVS commit by mquinson: webwml/french/News/1998 19980915b.wml Denis Barbier
- Debian WWW CVS commit by barbier: webwml/french/devel/website working.wml Denis Barbier
- [ddr] webwml:/security/2003/dsa-303,304,305.wml Thomas Marteau
- [update] po-debconf://configure-debian/fr.po Julien Louis
- [maj] webwml:ports/*.wml Thomas Marteau
- [ddr2] webwml:/security/2003/dsa-303,304,305.wml Thomas Marteau
- [ddr2] webwml:/security/2003/dsa-292,293,294.wml Thomas Marteau
- Debian WWW CVS commit by pmachard: webwml/french/security/2003 dsa-292.wml dsa-29 ... Denis Barbier
- [ddr] webwml:/security/2003/dsa-274.wml Thomas Marteau
- Debian WWW CVS commit by mquinson: webwml/french/security/2003 dsa-274.wml Denis Barbier
- Debian WWW CVS commit by mquinson: webwml/french/ports freebsd/index.wml hurd/hur ... Denis Barbier
- [ Bug#193004: French translation for update-menus manpage] Martin Quinson
- [ mail problem on gluck?] Nicolas Bertolissio
- Debian WWW CVS commit by joy: webwml arabic/index.wml bulgarian/index.wml ca ... Denis Barbier
- Debian WWW CVS commit by joy: webwml bulgarian/contact.wml catalan/contact.w ... Denis Barbier
- Debian WWW CVS commit by joy: webwml croatian/devel/website/index.wml danish ... Denis Barbier
- Debian WWW CVS commit by joy: webwml catalan/international/Catalan/index.wml ... Denis Barbier
- Debian WWW CVS commit by joy: webwml danish/legal/index.wml english/legal/in ... Denis Barbier
- [ddr] webwml:/security/2003/dsa-306.wml Thomas Marteau
- [ddr] webwml:/security/2003/dsa-270,1.wml Thomas Marteau
- Re: [ddr] webwml:/security/2003/dsa-270,1.wml Jean-Philippe Guérard
- [DICO] Little|big endian Martin Quinson
- Re: [ddr] webwml:/security/2003/dsa-270,1.wml Laurent Defours
- Re: [ddr] webwml:/security/2003/dsa-270,1.wml Patrice Karatchentzeff
- Re: [ddr] webwml:/security/2003/dsa-270,1.wml Nicolas Boullis
- Re: [ddr] webwml:/security/2003/dsa-270,1.wml Patrice Karatchentzeff
- Re: [ddr] webwml:/security/2003/dsa-270,1.wml Sylvain Sauvage
- Re: [ddr] webwml:/security/2003/dsa-270,1.wml Laurent Defours
- Re: [ddr] webwml:/security/2003/dsa-270,1.wml Denis Barbier
- Re: [ddr] webwml:/security/2003/dsa-270,1.wml Patrice Karatchentzeff
- Re: [ddr] webwml:/security/2003/dsa-270,1.wml Yannick Roehlly
- Re: [ddr] webwml:/security/2003/dsa-270,1.wml Laurent Defours
- Re: [ddr] webwml:/security/2003/dsa-270,1.wml Philippe Batailler
- Re: [ddr] webwml:/security/2003/dsa-270,1.wml Patrice Karatchentzeff
- Re: [DICO] little|big endian Martin Quinson
- Re: [DICO] little|big endian Laurent Defours
- Re: [ddr] webwml:/security/2003/dsa-270,1.wml Philippe Batailler
- Debian WWW CVS commit by pmachard: webwml/french/News/2003 20030314.wml Denis Barbier
- Debian WWW CVS commit by pmachard: webwml/french/security/2003 dsa-270.wml dsa-27 ... Denis Barbier
- Debian WWW CVS commit by pmachard: webwml/french/News/weekly contributing.wml Denis Barbier
- Debian WWW CVS commit by pmachard: webwml/french/devel/debian-med index.wml Denis Barbier
- Debian WWW CVS commit by pmachard: webwml/french/security/2003 dsa-292.wml Denis Barbier
- Re: Emanuele Aina's ddts.vim Nicolas Bertolissio
- ppdfilt powermgmt-base f1sxo
- Debian WWW CVS commit by joss: webwml danish/devel/todo/items/20geolocation.w ... Denis Barbier
- [ITT] po-debconf://openldap2/fr.po Christian Perrier
- [ITT] po-debconf://openssh/fr.po Christian Perrier
- [ITT) [MAJ] po-debconf://spamassassin/fr.po Christian Perrier
- Ecrans debconf incompletement traduits : état du 21/5/2003 Christian Perrier
- [Absence] du 21 mai au 27 mai inclus Pierre Machard
- [DICO] keycode keymap Martin Quinson
- [DICO] locale, localization et localizing Martin Quinson
- Re: [DICO] locale, localization et localizing Jean-Philippe Guérard
- Re: [DICO] locale, localization et localizing Jean-Philippe Guérard
- Re: [DICO] locale, localization et localizing Denis Barbier
- Re: [DICO] locale, localization et localizing Jean-Philippe Guérard
- Re: [DICO] locale, localization et localizing Denis Barbier
- Re: [DICO] locale, localization et localizing Jean-Philippe Guérard
- Re: [DICO] locale, localization et localizing Laurent Defours
- Re: [DICO] locale, localization et localizing Jean-Philippe Guérard
- Re: [DICO] locale, localization et localizing Laurent Defours
- dico à localiser... suzume
- Re: dico à localiser... Jean-Philippe Guérard
- Re: [DICO] locale, localization et localizing Yannick Roehlly
- Re: [DICO] locale, localization et localizing Jean-Philippe Guérard
- Re: [DICO] locale, localization et localizing Denis Barbier
- Re: [DICO] locale, localization et localizing Patrice Karatchentzeff
- [DDR] webwml://french/News/weekly/2003/20/index.wml Frédéric Bothamy
The last update was on 06:46 GMT Sun May 19. There are 606 messages. Page 1 of 2.
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