debian-user Mar 2005 by thread
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Re: Ripping DVDs to HDD Francesco
Re: Ripping DVDs to HDD Francesco
hotplug stopped assigning device nodes to flash storage devices Samuel Liddicott
GRUB or Lilo to boot Debian and OS/2 Falkenstein
NFS breakage - correct venue? Mason Loring Bliss
Re: Creating a copy of debian set-up Francesco
How stable is SID? Rick Friedman
[Legal] Firefox not truly Free? William Ballard
udev/hotplug Primer or HOWTO Gordon Jackson
Ghostin a Configured Hard Drive... Alan C. Brown
segmentation fault while copying DVD Rhys Hardwick
OT: how to setup cvs over ssh with a separate group? Bruno Boettcher
Weird desktop switching problem in KDE icebiker
cvs diff Frederico Rodrigues Abraham
Re: Problem with xfce4 Simon Huggins
OO 1.1.2 save file on samba driver - error. kajko
Re: Shadow and NIS Justin Guerin
Re: Gnome vs. X keyboard settings John Fry
Re: pingus levels ??? Andreas Rippl
Re: Lexmark Z25 and Debian Michael Sahl
Selecting things under 'X' using ENV variables David A. Cobb
Re: Changing the "default" web-browser David A. Cobb
apt-listchanges refuses to work Maximiliano Combina
SOLVED Re: NFS / file size limits - something broken Mason Loring Bliss
mencvcd no more Tong
Re: Floppydrive won't work Jim Hall
Volume Control buttons not working after kernel upgrade tomk
Re: alsa not working on Intel 865 (Asus P4P800) Jonathan Pearce
why should packages migrate to testing automatically Kamaraju Kusumanchi
silly question hossam mohamed mahmod
X environment variables Gedas
Re: Re: Still can't get Mutt to get email Nicholas Lativy
Re: ndiswrapper - Invalid module format Joe Freeman
Firefox complains about XML? Carl Fink
Re: How can sarge survive a Windows reinstall? Hendrik Boom
Any linux log analysis software Lian Liming
cannot update sarge Jianan download problem Jianan
Re: My synaptic (and other) broken with update of sarge: RESOLVED Don
courrier imap problem Dheerendar Srivastav
Kernel Panic after reboot of 2.4.18-686 Ben Pont
Installation+LILO Eberhard Momberger
caudium ??? Pim Bliek
Sendmail 8.13.x and uucp Ioannou Ioannis
Firefox fails Johann Spies
Trouble with dist-upgrade Felix Laate
APT: strange problems! Rodrigo Baroni
Sarge install problem S K
mpeg_encode John Oxley
Re: Sarge installation problem BJ Dierkes
kompiling kernel 2.6 Ernst-Magne Vindal
How to make apt-get upgrade to work non-interactively? Ivan Teliatnikov
opendb BRINER Cedric
Upgrading Sarge to Sid Rhys Hardwick
opennms on sarge Peter Clarke
Debian in the news Jianan
FAT32 vs NTFS Andy Rowan
Flakey video in XFree86 with an S3 techlists
Re: How long 'till Sarge->Stable? Henry Hollenberg
Kernel 2.6.11 Rob Brenart (TT)
php / mysql / phpmyadmin Øyvind Lode
gxine disappeared in Sarge Jouke Witteveen
php / mysql / phpmyadmin 2 Øyvind Lode
Renaming Windows PC's disciple
dual screen problem Manu
Which Dell Dimension ? Hannes Mayer
Re: sudo and passwordless root David Mandelberg
Re: Using fvwm-themes with Debian Sarge Felix Karpfen
Re: How to open UDP ports in MASQ server? Pedro Pozuelo
Re: tft monitors -- advice? XF86Config's? Steve Westwood
amaroK 1.2 broken? Andrey Andreev
problem installing tomcat hossam mohamed mahmod
SSH -- Running remote command and NOT Exiting Hal Vaughan
Which is firewall generator suitable for new hand? James Ng
apm: overridden by ACPI??? Robert Harris
Re: accessing printserver Dave Thayer
How to restore overwritten partion table? Alphonse Ogulla
Re: how to connect to a serial port console Mauro Darida
APIC error on CPU0. Alex Polite
can't get remote X access to work Alexandru Cabuz
Sarge i386 with AMD64 3200+ and Gigabyte GA K8-NS Pro (nForce3) ? Hannes Mayer
no sound Elainecamden
Package for splitting mpg files for CD burning? kynn
Rebooting as a cron job? Charles Read
samba ls problem Rhys Hardwick
PLEASE HELP : kernel hangs after trying to free unused memory Aditya
installing openoffice Jianan
kernel compile problem AFS Rudy Gevaert
Shockwave Flash 7.0 r25 Mitja
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