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Re: What's wrong with debian?

On Thu, Mar 03, 2005 at 09:12:24PM +1100, Caveman wrote:
> I could not agree more. I love debian and I think its a great system,
> however the whole release cycle thing is starting to become a issue.
> Woody is just getting too old, even for servers. So what options do
> you have ? Well you can use sarge, seems stable enough, however no
> security. Thats a major issue in my mind.
> I could use unstable, which I have found to be highly stable and I use
> apt-listbugs with it which has not seen me deal with a breakage yet.
> However the large number of updates that unstable gets (as it should)
> starts to make this possess time consumming. So where does that leave
> us? To me it starts to make debian far less useful. Which is very sad
> as I think its the best distro I have ever used.
> I understand that running a distro is very hard work, however I think
> the debian people really need to look at their whole system.
> Maybe there are some core issues which are causing the problem.

IM(not so)HO, there is a core issue causing the problem: Users who
don't appreciate just how good it is to have real security support for
an 'ancient' distribution like Woody. And who don't appreciate getting
something working before you claim it is working.

> However from a end user point of view its annoying.

Some people are really annoyed by other people who live by there own

> Hopefully its something that can be sorted out soon, before people
> start using other distros.

Market share is not a criterion for what makes a good distribution.
There are easily enough users _and_ maintainers to keep Debian going
just the way it is. The World is big enough for many approaches to OS
distribution. But also, I believe, Debian will, ultimately, gain world
domination, precisely because of its way of doing things.

Paul E Condon           

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