debconf-discuss Aug 2010 by thread
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- Re: [Debconf-discuss] Thinkpad T4x Docking Station chris-debian
- [Debconf-discuss] Won't need to bother you for storage, thx! <eom> Pablo Duboue
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] Good wine and cheese stores nearby Michael Shuler
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] Questions regarding the mass-KSP at DebConf10 Dara Adib
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] Columbia Debian mirror Yasuhiro Araki
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] [Debconf-announce] Lunch now! John Goerzen
- [Debconf-discuss] Virtualization? John Goerzen
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] Debian Merchandise BoF? Luca Capello
- [Debconf-discuss] Setting up APs in the dorms... Christian PERRIER
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] Debconf runners: maps link for morning run on Aug 1st Iustin Pop
- [Debconf-discuss] noisy hacklab x quiet hacklab Tiago Bortoletto Vaz
- [Debconf-discuss] init systems ad-hoc/BoF Jameson Rollins
- [Debconf-discuss] Debconf runners: morning run planned Aug 2nd 7:30am...or 7:00am Christian PERRIER
- [Debconf-discuss] BoF: RC bug squashing (campaign) - minutes Stefano Zacchiroli
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] Some quieter bars and cafes Jonathan Wiltshire
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] BoF best practices (Notmuch, Math Software) David Bremner
- [Debconf-discuss] Laundry at debconf10 geoffc
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] Debian Merchandise BoF? Didier Raboud
- [Debconf-discuss] Debconf runners: morning run planned Aug 2nd 7:00am Christian PERRIER
- [Debconf-discuss] Cheese, Wine material (and other stuff) for tomorrow's Cheese and Wine party Christian PERRIER
- [Debconf-discuss] GPG Key Management Best Practices BoF Michael Shuler
- [Debconf-discuss] Debconf10 Schedule App for Android Michael Prokop
- [Debconf-discuss] logitek headphone extra color bit Kevin Mark
- [Debconf-discuss] Food & baseball tickets John Goerzen
- [Debconf-discuss] B and H Electronics Gabriella Coleman
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] Debconf runners: (reminder) how about participate to a local 5K race during DebConf? Daniel Kahn Gillmor
- [Debconf-discuss] Unclaimed DebConf10 tshirts? Obey Arthur Liu
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] List of attendees? Jonathan Wiltshire
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] Bars in the Area Pablo Duboue
- [Debconf-discuss] Tonight's CS hack lab and front desk will be closed unless... Gabriella Coleman
- [Debconf-discuss] Video Team volunteer training - TONIGHT AT 8 PM Margarita Manterola
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] [Debconf-announce] Cheese and Wine party tonight Andrew Lee
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] (NEW TIME) B and H Electronics Gabriella Coleman
- [Debconf-discuss] Invitation to try amateur radio John Goerzen
- [Debconf-discuss] Rent and ride a bike Thomas Lange
- [Debconf-discuss] local printers? (was Re: Key signing) Aaron M. Ucko
- [Debconf-discuss] no debconf wireless in Davis Holger Levsen
- [Debconf-discuss] Tips for video-team volunteers Tássia Camões
- [Debconf-discuss] openstreetmap bof -- sat 14:00 in 414 Blars Blarson
- [Debconf-discuss] scheduling the FreedomBox BoF Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [Debconf-discuss] [Fwd: Thursday night talk at NYCResistor on open source font design, by Dave Crossland] Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [Debconf-discuss] John Jay children's rates (was Re: [Debconf-announce] Lunch now!) Aaron M. Ucko
- [Debconf-discuss] subway tickets to Coney Island? Matt Zagrabelny
- [Debconf-discuss] Debconf runners: morning run report for Aug 3rd 7:30am Christian PERRIER
- [Debconf-discuss] found watch Kurt von Finck
- [Debconf-discuss] Public apologies to Otavio about the Cheese & Wine party Christian PERRIER
- [Debconf-discuss] postcards Paul Wise
- [Debconf-discuss] Front Desk Hours Patty Langasek
- [Debconf-discuss] Walk on G. Washington Bridge tonight Christian PERRIER
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] [Debconf-announce] Day Trip Signup Gaudenz Steinlin
- [Debconf-discuss] Shaolin Kung Fu Masters Ian Lawrence
- [Debconf-discuss] Radio at Coney Island John Goerzen
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] [Debconf-announce] Sita Sings the Blues with the filmmaker, tonight Dara Adib
- [Debconf-discuss] Slides for the "interesting networking features" talk Guido Trotter
- [Debconf-discuss] uploaded slides cannot be downloaded Torsten Werner
- [Debconf-discuss] debconf jubilee person(s)? Noël Köthe
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] [Debconf-announce] DebConf 12 will be held in... Your country? Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
- [Debconf-discuss] DebConf Complaint Patty Langasek
- [Debconf-discuss] Travel Sponsorship Michael Schultheiss
- [Debconf-discuss] Lost mobile phone Michael Schultheiss
- [Debconf-discuss] Art Installations in NYC using Free Software Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [Debconf-discuss] Travel sponsorship BoF topics/attendance request Pablo Duboue
- [Debconf-discuss] Debian polo shirts John Morrissey
- [Debconf-discuss] Group photo information Aigars Mahinovs
- [Debconf-discuss] found bike lock The Anarcat
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] [Debconf-announce] Volunteer Shirts tony baldwin
- [Debconf-discuss] "use Perl; Annual meeting of the Debian Perl Group" (or: pkg-perl BoF at DebConf) gregor herrmann
- [Debconf-discuss] Toy Story 3 anyone? Adnan Hodzic
- [Debconf-discuss] Lightning Talks micah
- [Debconf-discuss] luggage on sunday Blars Blarson
- [Debconf-discuss] Nexenta T-shirts Anil Gulecha
- [Debconf-discuss] If you have to get to the airport at an ungodly time... (read this) Gabriella Coleman
- [Debconf-discuss] MISSING: Tablet Pen/Stylus\ Patty Langasek
- [Debconf-discuss] Free print exhibit in Dodge John Goerzen
- [Debconf-discuss] PhD student in parallel/distributed computing sought David Bremner
- [Debconf-discuss] [MERCHANDISE] Anacrhism T-Shirts and foilstickers from at DebConf10 Luca Capello
- [Debconf-discuss] Thank you, organizers and volunteers and everyone Lars Wirzenius
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] Thank you, organizers and volunteers and everyone Jameson Rollins
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] Thank you, organizers and volunteers and everyone Luca Capello
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] Thank you, organizers and volunteers and everyone Adnan Hodzic
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] Thank you, organizers and volunteers and everyone Stefano Zacchiroli
- Message not available
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] Thank you, organizers and volunteers and everyone Adnan Hodzic
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] Thank you, organizers and volunteers and everyone Patty Langasek
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] Thank you, organizers and volunteers and everyone Kurt von Finck
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] Thank you, organizers and volunteers and everyone Rohit Mehta
- [Debconf-discuss] [OT] Can you repeat, please? (was Re: Thank you, organizers and volunteers and everyone) Luca Capello
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] [OT] Can you repeat, please? (was Re: Thank you, organizers and volunteers and everyone) Tim Retout
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] [OT] Can you repeat, please? (was Re: Thank you, organizers and volunteers and everyone) Gunnar Wolf
- [Debconf-discuss] [OT] [OT] Can you repeat, please? Jonas Smedegaard
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] [OT] Can you repeat, please? (was Re: Thank you, organizers and volunteers and everyone) Luca Capello
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] [OT] Can you repeat, please? (was Re: Thank you, organizers and volunteers and everyone) Andreas Tille
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] [OT] Can you repeat, please? (was Re: Thank you, organizers and volunteers and everyone) Gunnar Wolf
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] [OT] Can you repeat, please? (was Re: Thank you, organizers and volunteers and everyone) Luca Capello
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] [OT] Can you repeat, please? (was Re: Thank you, organizers and volunteers and everyone) Andreas Tille
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] [OT] Can you repeat, please? (was Re: Thank you, organizers and volunteers and everyone) Christian PERRIER
- [Debconf-discuss] Brought some slightly unusual gear if you want to take a look Pablo Duboue
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] possible smart card group buy? Luca Capello
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] [Debconf-announce] Richard deserves many thanks David Moreno
- [Debconf-discuss] videoteam hardware teardown Holger Levsen
- [Debconf-discuss] Report from DebConf runners participating to the Van Cortland Track Club XC Summer Series 5K cross-country race Christian PERRIER
- [Debconf-discuss] lost piece of metal Clint Adams
- [Debconf-discuss] Press Gabriella Coleman
- [Debconf-discuss] print ticket ? vedran
- [Debconf-discuss] Volunteer Shirts! (Come and get them) Gabriella Coleman
- [Debconf-discuss] Ordering Debian Tartan Products Philip Hands
- [Debconf-discuss] Laptop to give away Jonathan McDowell
- [Debconf-discuss] takeover frontdesk vedran
- [Debconf-discuss] Debian MiniConfs! Paul Wise
- [Debconf-discuss] RCBC - results and prizes (was: RCBC - Release Critical Bug squashing {Contest, of the Conf}) gregor herrmann
- [Debconf-discuss] Education stuff : key ? Bruno Gurgel
- [Debconf-discuss] baseball cap Michael Banck
- [Debconf-discuss] Lost wireless external device Beraldo Leal
- [Debconf-discuss] Free Crock Pot Michael Shuler
- [Debconf-discuss] Columbia Dorm Card, it may be just plastic but you must return it Gabriella Coleman
- [Debconf-discuss] Subway card! Gabriella Coleman
- [Debconf-discuss] remember checkout before 11:00 Ana Guerrero
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] Fw: (Re: Columbia Debian mirror Yasuhiro Araki
- [Debconf-discuss] Thanks from Columbia CS Richard Darst
- [Debconf-discuss] kudos to video team Jameson Rollins
- [Debconf-discuss] Still In town? Gabriella Coleman
- [Debconf-discuss] Video betas John Goerzen
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] OpenPGP primary key expirations: useful? [was: Re: Last call for keys for keysigning in New York City, USA during DebConf10] Milan Kupcevic
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] [Debconf-announce] Proceedings from the 11th Debian Developers Conference are out! Holger Levsen
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] [Debconf-announce] Proceedings from the 11th Debian Developers Conference are out! Yaroslav Halchenko
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] OpenPGP primary key expirations Chris Knadle
- Re: [Debconf-discuss] Last call for keys for keysigning in New York City, USA during DebConf10 Luca Capello
- [Debconf-discuss] Travel sponsorship BoF: minutes Pablo Duboue
- [Debconf-discuss] DebConf10 gallery.dc.o album Paul Wise
- [Debconf-discuss] An open request. C. Morgan Hamill
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