debconf-team Jul 2012 by thread
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[Debconf-team] meeting minutes 09/07 14:00 Gaudenz Steinlin
[Debconf-team] more tables? Luciano Bello
[Debconf-team] [RFC] Travel reimbursement procedure Luca Capello
[Debconf-team] meeting minutes Tuesday 10/07 14:00 Gaudenz Steinlin
[Debconf-team] Minutes for today's meeting Gunnar Wolf
[Debconf-team] meeting minutes 13/07 14:00 Gaudenz Steinlin
[Debconf-team] [Travel sponsorship]: Hideki Yamane Hideki Yamane
Re: [Debconf-team] [Debconf-discuss] Early thanks for DebConf12 Philipp Kern
[Debconf-team] Check-out from hotel Moray Allan
[Debconf-team] Collecting stuff? Steve McIntyre
[Debconf-team] Saturday's meeting Moray Allan
[Debconf-team] Debian Kids Camp for DebConf-next Hector Oron
[Debconf-team] End of Debconf press release Neil McGovern
[Debconf-team] dc12 travel reimbusements done Holger Levsen
[Debconf-team] Subtitles for DebConf talks videos Francesca Ciceri
[Debconf-team] DebConf12 - Final report Felix Delattre
[Debconf-team] DC13 sponsoring brochure, please review sections Debian and DebConf Gaudenz Steinlin
[Debconf-team] Linux Magazine ad Leandro Gómez
[Debconf-team] DebConf13 Logo Contest: final round voting Luca Capello
[Debconf-team] MiniDebConf Nicaragua 2013 Leandro Gómez
[Debconf-team] [survey] of DebConf and Debian community? Daniel Pocock
[Debconf-team] DC13 sponsoring brochure, sponsorship levels Luca Capello
[Debconf-team] sponsored tracks? Daniel Pocock
[Debconf-team] (Ref. SC/113575) - DebConf12 carolk
[Debconf-team] free hotel in Switzerland? Daniel Pocock
[Debconf-team] Cancellation policy Moray Allan
The last update was on 12:58 GMT Fri Jun 07. There are 337 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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