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[Debconf-team] meeting minutes Tuesday 10/07 14:00

- food lateness: It's only 10-15 minutes, it's a bit a problem that there
  are not enough chairs. He is still pretty on time for nicaraguan
  standards and we don't want to bother him with this.
- conference dinner: mail sent to announce by Felix. Tables are being
  organized, food will be provided by Jimmy,  governement promise for
  busses sounds now credible, we should try to get everyone to the hotel
  after the last talk to not be late, departure at 1900, hacklab will be
  closed unless someone stays and is responsible
- daytrip: no food at UCA for lunch, hacklab 1 is open, reminder about
  this will be sent by Felix, Adolfo will check with Mario Lang, buses
  like conference dinner 
- closing of aula magna: aula magna should not be closed over lunch, two
  video team people should be there over lunch
- next meeting: Thursday 12/07 14:00

Thanks for the nice meeting!

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter.
Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
~ Samuel Beckett ~

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