debian-devel Jan 2010 by thread
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jcc and MIA maintainer Ludovico Cavedon
Bug#384428: xsensors needs "unclutter -noevents" otherwise %100 CPU Nanley Chery
New GMP version 5.0.0 available in experimental: please test Steve M. Robbins
Bug#564710: RFP: canvas -- reads draw commands and executes them Siward de Groot
Bug#564725: ITP: python-django-rosetta -- Eases the translation process of your Django projects Michael Ziegler
rebuild test of Debian packages with GCC trunk 20100107 Matthias Klose
Bug#564756: ITP: freehep-graphicsio -- FreeHEP GraphicsIO Base Library Gabriele Giacone
Bug#564775: ITP: libtest-nobreakpoints-perl -- module to test that files do not contain soft breakpoints Jonathan Yu
Bug#564820: ITP: libpam-barada -- PAM module to provide two-factor authentication based on HOTP Andrew Pollock
Bug#564833: general: ipolldevd takes 30% CPU Иванов Михаил
Bug#564883: ITP: kannel-sqlbox -- SQL helper application for Kannel WAP and SMS gateway Jonas Smedegaard
Bug#540426: ITP: acetoneiso Nick Andrik
Bug#564901: ITP: libthrowable-perl -- Moose role for classes that can be thrown Jonathan Yu
Bluez package situation Andrea Veri
Bug#564924: ITP: usb-modeswitch-data -- Mode switching data for usb-modeswitch Didier Raboud
Bug#564949: ITP: freehep-graphicsio-svg -- FreeHEP Scalable Vector Graphics Driver Gabriele Giacone
Bug#564962: ITP: freehep-xml -- FreeHEP XML Library Gabriele Giacone
Bug#565114: ITP: libfile-sharedir-install-perl -- module for installing read-only data files Jonathan Yu
ITP: pgn2web -- convert PGN chess game files into webpages Oliver Korff
Bug#565157: ITP: fsgateway -- FUSE module to browse database's metadata, sugar datastores and xml files Marco Nenciarini
Bug#565156: RFH: fbcat Piotr Lewandowski
Re: Minimal kernel version raised to 2.6.27 Fathi Boudra
Bug#565271: ITP: uthash -- A hash table and linked list for C structures Bastian Blywis
Bug#565333: ITP: libredis-perl -- persistent key-value database with network interface (Perl client library) Tim Retout
Bug#565334: ITP: libhtp -- HTTP normalizer and parser library Pierre Chifflier
Bug#565340: general: dx package appears to be broken - does not install properly Zeissmann
Processed: Re: Bug#565340: general: dx package appears to be broken - does not install properly Debian Bug Tracking System
Work-needing packages report for Jan 15, 2010 wnpp
Bug#565354: ITP: winwrangler -- Small desktop daemon to perform advanced window Nobuhiro Iwamatsu
Conflicting information about buildd status and testing migration Michael Hanke
Bug#565392: ITP: grfcodec -- A suite of programs to modify Transport Tycoon Deluxe's GRF files Matthijs Kooijman
iceweasel and facebook photos Norbert Preining
Bug#565408: ITP: libencode-arabic-perl -- Encodings of Arabic أحمد المحمودي
Bug#565431: ITP: connectomeviewer -- visualization and analysis of structural neuroimaging data Yaroslav Halchenko
Bug#565449: ITP: sysbars-applet -- GNOME applet showing bar-graphs of system resource usage Tony Houghton
Bug#565461: ITP: microdc2 -- A command-line based Direct Connect client Al Nikolov
Bug#565468: ITP: libtest-eol-perl -- module to check for non-Unix line endings Jonathan Yu
Bug#565469: ITP: libtest-consistentversion-perl -- module to ensure consistent versions in a package Jonathan Yu
Bug#565470: ITP: wholebraincatalog -- Virtual catalog of the mouse brain Gabriele Giacone
Bug#565472: ITP: critterding -- Evolving Artificial Life Gabriele Giacone
Sourcing init-functions Michael Welle
Invitation to the BSP in Tokyo/Japan,23 January 2010 Nobuhiro Iwamatsu
ITP: otf-ipaexfont -- Japanese OpenType font, IPAexFont (IPAex Gothic/Mincho) Hideki Yamane
Bug#565515: ITP: sudosh3 -- Complete logging for sudo Sylvestre Ledru
schroot version 1.4.0 released Roger Leigh
Bug#565544: ITP: duply -- easy to use frontend to duplicity Joachim Wiedorn
Bug#565554: ITP: capstats -- print statistics about the current load on a network interface Justin Azoff
Bug#565578: ITP: gjay -- An automatic and learning DJ for Audacious Craig Small
Bug#565601: ITP: doxypy -- Python input filter for Doxygen David Paleino
Bug#565623: ITP: colorname -- utility to associate a name to a color David Paleino
Bug#565629: ITP: libelixirfm-perl -- Interfaces to the ElixirFM system in Haskell أحمد المحمودي
Bug#565670: ITP: libjpedal-jbig2-java -- library for accessing large images Steffen Möller
Bug#565675: ITP: pthsem -- pth replacement with semaphore support Marc Leeman
Is Paul Dwerryhouse MIA? Jonas Smedegaard
Bug#565691: ITP: mygpoclient -- Client library for the web service Thomas Perl
Bug#565695: ITP: libiscwt-java -- abstraction and implementations for rendering PDF Steffen Möller
ITP: otf-ipaexfont -- Japanese OpenType font, IPAexFont (IPAexGothic/Mincho) Hideki Yamane
Bug#565740: ITP: dvblast -- Simple and powerful dvb-streaming application Rémi Duraffort
Bug#565743: ITP: jackson-json-processor -- streaming fast powerful standard conformant json processor in java Thomas Koch
Bug#565748: ITP: libisnativec-java -- helper routines to access native code from Java Steffen Möller
Bug#565770: ITP: libterm-ansicolor-ruby -- Colors strings using ANSI escape sequences Ben Armstrong
Bug#565886: RFP: tex packages -- [SHORT DESCRIPTION] Marco Righi
Bug#565885: ITP: ibid -- Multi-protocol general purpose chat bot Stefano Rivera
Bug#565904: ITP: slimrat -- Application for automated downloading from file hosters Paul McEnery
GPL-licensed software linked against libssl on buildds! Fabian Greffrath
Bug#565946: ITP: remotepad-server -- Server for mouse/keyboard X11 remote control using Apple's iPhone Alexandre Rossi
Is tabular data in binary format acceptable for Debian ? Charles Plessy
Re: quilt 3.0 source format and dpkg-source/dpkg-buildpackage Goswin von Brederlow
Bug#566014: ITP: nordugrid-arc -- middleware for shared storage and computation Steffen Möller
Thailand MiniDebCamp 2010 in March Theppitak Karoonboonyanan
Bug#566111: ITP: zkclient -- java helper library for zookeeper clients Thomas Koch
Bug#566125: ITP: zeromq -- Lightweight messaging library Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder
Bug#566126: ITP: openpgm -- Implementation of the Pragmatic General Multicast protocol Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder
Bug#566155: ITP: softhsm -- a cryptographic store accessible through a PKCS #11 Ondřej Surý
Work-needing packages report for Jan 22, 2010 wnpp
Re: What criteria does ftpmaster use for the ‘copyright’ file of a package? Ben Finney
graphicsmagick or imagemagick Jérémy Lal
Bug#566280: ITP: libcache-historical-perl -- cache simple data with time history Mats Erik Andersson
Bug#566313: ITP: ipheth -- Linux kernel driver that adds support for iPhone tethering Paul McEnery
Bug#566346: ITP: krb5-appl - Kerberos applications and clients Sam Hartman
Bug#566358: RFA: d-shlibs -- Debian shared library package building helper scripts Junichi Uekawa
Bug#566364: RFH: doc-central Charles Plessy
Bug#566375: ITP: freeplane -- A Mind Mapping software written in Java. Eric Lavarde
Bug#566378: ITP: dehydra -- Scriptable static analysis tool for C++ Mike Hommey
Bug#566404: ITP: [PACKAGE] -- dropbox Ivan Borzenkov
Bug#566485: ITP: uncertainties -- transparent calculations with uncertainties on the quantities involved Jakub Wilk
Bug#566489: ITP: kwalletcli -- CLI for the KDE Wallet Thorsten Glaser
Outdated mirror in Anthony DeRobertis
ucf was run from a maintainer script that uses debconf... jidanni
advice sought for hamlib new upstream vs "embedded ltdl" Stefano Zacchiroli
Bug#566592: ITP: freehep-graphicsio-tests -- FreeHEP GraphicsIO Test Library Gabriele Giacone
Bug#566593: ITA: purple-plugin-pack - 30 useful plugins for pidgin Felix Geyer
Bug#566616: ITP: libjreleaseinfo-java -- Create a Java source file during build process Per Wawra
Bug#566615: ITP: libl2fprod-common-java -- modern user interface widgets for swing Per Wawra
Bug#566614: RFP: libspring-richclient-java -- A Java GUI Framework based on Springsource Per Wawra
lxc linux image flavour maximilian attems
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