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"upgrading" my gpg key


My main gpg public key seams to be a 1024 DSA key (1024D/9D025E87).
I would like to have a more robust main key. I've created to 4096 RSA
subkey to sign and encrypt.

However, is there a way to switch my main key ? (ie to create a new
one and change it without loosing all my other keys and signatures).
  The immediate "solution" is to create a separate new (main) key,
sign it and make it signed by other DD and then ask for it to be added
in Debian keyring.
  But perhaps gpg guru¹ would have better suggestions ?


¹: does anyone know if it is possible to extract a subkey from a gpg
key and add it to another gpg key ?

Vincent Danjean       GPG key ID 0x9D025E87         vdanjean@debian.org
GPG key fingerprint: FC95 08A6 854D DB48 4B9A  8A94 0BF7 7867 9D02 5E87
Unofficial packages: http://moais.imag.fr/membres/vincent.danjean/deb.html
APT repo:  deb http://perso.debian.org/~vdanjean/debian unstable main

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