debian-alpha Jan 1999 by thread
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xfree Anders Hammarquist
yforth in slink Paul Slootman
Autoconf and libtool patches sent...expect new debs (fingers crossed) Christopher C Chimelis
Oh, and automake too... Christopher C Chimelis
Kernel FP software completion John Goerzen
Strange crashes John Goerzen
Trying to upgrade a frozen to frozen Lars Segerlund
Patch for smail Bart Warmerdam
glibc and egcs.... Christopher C Chimelis
Which device is my CDROM? Jeff Katcher
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Which device is my CDROM? Jeff Katcher
Missing SCSI cdrom devices [Was: Which device is my CDROM?] Martin Lucina
elm problems David A. van Leeuwen
PLEASE READ: egcs issues Christopher C Chimelis
Installing Linux for Alpha Ralf Bohland
can not load kernel !! Pang
SVGATextMode? Jeff Katcher
worrying about sparc/alpha boot floppies Adam Di Carlo
New X John Goerzen
not enough memory for latest boot disks? Oscar Levi
nov15, bootdisks, fail, for, UDB Oscar Levi
egcs and register_frame_info Loic Prylli
new unaligned traps Oscar Levi
[Alpha] new egcs ready for use lprylli
Odd problem with rsh Oscar Levi
More on these new unaligned traps Oscar Levi
The last update was on 06:09 GMT Fri May 10. There are 365 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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