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Re: Notes regarding AS200 install

>>>>> "ML" == Martin Lucina <Mato.Lucina@nz.eds.com> writes:

    ML> - fdisk barfed on the original partition table that was on the
    ML> disk, I think cfdisk did too. It doesn't bother me as I just
    ML> deleted it but I think fdisk/cfdisk in general need some work.

  This should probably be documented somewhere, with the note that
unless you're planning on keeping some partitions intact, you're
better off running cfdisk -z. I guess adding a dialog in front of the
fdisk screen asking about this would be cluttering the install

    ML> - Kernel 2.2pre7, well this kept me up until 2:30 AM, it seems
    ML> that kernel 2.2pre7 hangs at boot (can anyone confirm
    ML> this?). Anyway, 2.2-pre7-ac4 worked fine *AFTER* I recompiled
    ML> with TGA Framebuffer support (this should be the default).


%flood[24]~> uname -a                                                     18:07
Linux flood 2.2.0-pre7 #2 Thu Jan 14 13:40:44 WST 1999 alpha unknown
%flood[25]~> uptime                                                        9:09
  9:09am  up 3 days, 17:41,  2 users,  load average: 1.07, 1.16, 0.57
%flood[26]~>                                                               9:09 
    ML> - the http method of apt (and apt itself I think) generates
    ML> heaps of unaligned accesses. The boot disks display some error
    ML> messages (for example trying to load NFS as a module when it's
    ML> in the kernel), others I will provide on request (if I can
    ML> reproduce them).

  Nog, the install process is a bit rough. If you have a record of the 
rough bits, do post it (or mail the boot-floppies maintainer

  Now, about documentation. There was a list posted earlier (by Adam)
about the areas that had to be addressed. Anyone working on it (or
still have it)?


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