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FWD on req. dl I [gp@atnet.at: Re: Hows Alphadebian doing?]

----- Forwarded message from Gerhard Poul <gp@atnet.at> -----


> There has been no official release for Debian GNU/Linux Alpha port yet. The
> Alpha port is currently frozen and is planned to be released with Slink (Debian
> 2.1). Therefore there are no official cd's available yet. The same applies to
> installation.

I know that but I think we should change that as soon as possible...

let me think... Is it okay to send a list of things I can/want to do for
debian-alpha?? Because there really seem to be a few people who work on this
port... (I really didn't had the feeling while subscribed to this list for
the last months...)

And there should be more informations on the homepages... But I'll write
some ideas to this mailing list if you want...

Why aren't there any disk-images on the debian-ftp mirrors??

> I hope you don't judge our effort on the quantity of mail on the mailing list.
> Recently there has been a discussion on -devel about the remaining packages
> that have to be done for Alpha. Almost all packages for main are available.
> Those that aren't are programs that depend on e.g. architecture differences
> (depends on ELF32 e.g. or uses assembler routines) or have to be done.
> You can see the precise explanation of Paul Slootman on the -devel
> mail-archives.

I have seen this discussion on -devel. But I don't think it's important to
have the same packages on each platform... I think we should have the really
important packages working...

Is there a debian-alpha bug-tracking system somewhere?? (Think the main one
isn't suitable for this task... Is it able to use more than one architecture
for a package??)

> In contrib and non-free a fair amount of programs is just not available
> for similar reasons. Netscape 3 and 4.0x, programs that are static and/or 
> dynamically linked against Motif but also binaries that are platform specific
> like rar. Those are hard/impossible to port!

Yes... that's really okay.. I know these things... That's why I don't think
that we should try to port everything to debian-alpha...

> Traps are logged. Part of a good port for a package is to check for alignment
> errors and solve them. This is why porting takes time and effort.

You're right... But some programs which people just compile cause unaligned
traps and I don't think that these are really bad... 

Packages for alpha shouldn't cause unaligned traps of course.. but it's not
really bad if it does if the maintainer doesn't had enough time... but he
should write this on his/her's todo list...

> I hope you reconsider the jump. If you think there is to little traffic on
> this list, maybe you can fire it up with some constructive suggestions to make
> the Alpha port better!

okay... I'll think about it... but I think the discussions which are only
for debian-alpha should be discussed here... (because it's alpha also
development discussions should be placed here for others to help the
maintainers I think...)


----- End forwarded message -----


B. Warmerdam                                              GNU/Debian Linux
bartw@xs4all.nl, bartw@debian.org (Keyid: 10A0FDD1)       ----------------

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