debian-68k Oct 2000 by thread
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Re: /proc/hardware Richard Zidlicky
Floppy flickers during install Kerstin Hoef-Emden
Install-procedure - How to stop? Kerstin Hoef-Emden
new mac test kernel for bootfloppies Alfred de Wijn
Potato and Nova Graphicscard on an Atari Falcon with Afterburner Hagemann, Tobias
AW: Potato and NOVA Graphicscard on an ATARI Falcon with Afterbur ner Hagemann, Tobias
WG: Potato and NOVA Graphicscard on an ATARI Falcon with Afterbur ner Szymanski, Frank-Peter
Re: Potato and NOVA Graphicscard on an ATARI Falcon with Afterbur ner Szymanski, Frank-Peter
WG: Potato and NOVA Graphicscard on an ATARI Falcon with Afterbur ner Szymanski, Frank-Peter
AW: Potato and NOVA Graphicscard on an ATARI Falcon with Afterbur ner Hagemann, Tobias
penguin prefs Roger Weinheimer
Debian 2.2 CD's Ben Hills
Shoud 'rescue' floppy boot an SE/30? Bill Layer
Which hd to Mac IIci? Håkan
Does someone know how to format a hard drive as Fat 16? pixpooch
startx crash Roger Weinheimer
AW: startx crash Hagemann, Tobias
Still bus error from Penguin17 on SE/30 Bill Layer
Debian 2.2 CD's (Germany) holdenb
Where to buy Debian m68k Spiars, Vince
WG: Debian 2.2 CD's (Germany) Szymanski, Frank-Peter
Mozilla M14 does not run Dr.O.Muth
Debian 2.2. CD's (Germany) - Short Summary holdenb
Installing over Ethernet on Mac Quadra 660av Josh Kuperman
Debian 2.2 Kernel Ben Hills
SE/30 makes it to 'J' - but no boot Bill Layer
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