debian-sparc Jul 1998 by thread
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- Re: X server (again) Michael Shuey
- X server (take two) Michael Shuey
- hamm installation instructions Thomas List
- (slightly) more audio toys Derrick J Brashear
- exp broken in libc6 ? Christian Meder
- Debian doesn't work on a Sparc 20 Steve Dunham
- Sparc include files broken? John Goerzen
- X build Anders Hammarquist
- can't install on a 5/170 Stephen Zander
- sparc-linux Dinh-Tuan . Pham
- Remote Booting Question/Problem on IPC Scott Omar Burch
- libc6 (980414) problems Paul Vojta
- X compilation failure John Goerzen
- Getting Started with SUNny sjc
- RE: X Stuff. Richard
- sparc/linux deception Dinh-Tuan . Pham
- 2.0.34 "candidate" for SS5/170 (turbosparc) Derrick J Brashear
- on holiday for 3 weeks Eric Delaunay
- nis package for sparc-linux still requires libc5 Dinh-Tuan . Pham
- Debian Documentation Project: Documentation for non-x86 Debian Oliver Elphick
- X Anders Hammarquist
- SCSI Problems on IPX Adam Haberlach
- Is libc-sparc source package still relevant? Richard Braakman
- SPARC 2 floppy boot fails Jules Bean
- Unidentified subject! Aphirak Jansang
- can Linux 2.032 be used on SparcClassic ? Secure View
- Locating source Matt Carter
- can Linux 2.032 be used on SparcClassic ? (fwd) Secure View
- stable kernel snapshot 980719 Derrick J Brashear
- Apt Jules Bean
- Compiling Packages Dave Broudy
- RE: tftpboot.img Richard
- Bootable CDROM Alexander Schulz
- ldd probs Jules Bean
- New Package: xv Dave Broudy
- Sparcy gets a brother Stephen J. Carpenter
- Weitek Support? Tres Hofmeister
- sparc status? A cry for information, and an offer to help Jules Bean
- Re: sparc status? A cry for information, and an offer to help Chris Trainor
- Re: sparc status? A cry for information, and an offer to help Doug Elznic
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: sparc status? A cry for information, and an offer to help Jules Bean
- Re: sparc status? A cry for information, and an offer to help Stephen Zander
- Re: sparc status? A cry for information, and an offer to help Jules Bean
- Re: sparc status? A cry for information, and an offer to help Stephen Zander
- Re: sparc status? A cry for information, and an offer to help Jules Bean
- Re: sparc status? A cry for information, and an offer to help Stephen Zander
- Re: sparc status? A cry for information, and an offer to help Jules Bean
- Re: sparc status? A cry for information, and an offer to help Jules Bean
- Re: sparc status? A cry for information, and an offer to help Joel Klecker
- Re: sparc status? A cry for information, and an offer to help Jules Bean
- Re: sparc status? A cry for information, and an offer to help Joel Klecker
- Re: sparc status? A cry for information, and an offer to help Stephen Zander
- Re: sparc status? A cry for information, and an offer to help Jules Bean
- Re: sparc status? A cry for information, and an offer to help Stephen Zander
- Re: sparc status? A cry for information, and an offer to help Jules Bean
- Re: sparc status? A cry for information, and an offer to help Joel Klecker
- Re: sparc status? A cry for information, and an offer to help Jules Bean
- Re: sparc status? A cry for information, and an offer to help Dave Broudy
- Re: sparc status? A cry for information, and an offer to help Anders Hammarquist
- menu_1.5-12 (was: Re: sparc status? A cry for information, and an , offer to help) Dave Broudy
- Re: sparc status? A cry for information, and an offer to help Derrick J Brashear
- Re: sparc status? A cry for information, and an offer to help Stephen Zander
- Re: sparc status? A cry for information, and an offer to help Stephen Zander
- Re: sparc status? A cry for information, and an offer to help Richard
- ssh 1.2.26 Package? Tres Hofmeister
- NEAT! Adam Haberlach
- Sparc status/my two cents Michael Shuey
- MP / ISDN support in Linux? Richard van den Berg
- Trivial programs =) Michael Mattice
- Re: sparc port? glibc? help? Steve Dunham
- Web Pages for debian-sparc? Jules Bean
- Booting a HD with Solaris installed on it.... Richard
- Almost ready to install Stephen J. Carpenter
- My experience: sparc status? A cry for information, and an offer to , help Kevin Milans
- A good install on a SS2 Dave Broudy
- It Worked! sjc
- Ack! tftpboot.img - Whats the point? sjc
- Re: sparc autocompile Johnie Ingram
- Problems with SMP Linux on dual processor sparc 20 Wolfgang Leideck
- Sparc CD Image? Stephen J. Carpenter
- SunOS emulation Dave Broudy
- Sun Sparc-Station 5 and Debian Markus Lechner
- Sun keyboard repeat rate mystery solved Anders Hammarquist
- some problem with debian-sparc-linux Dinh-Tuan . Pham
- dpkg multiple arch support (Re: RFC: pentium optimized debian) Joey Hess
- Xsun -- Where is it? Adam Haberlach
- Seen this (BSOD) sjc
- Ethernet cards, Gfx programming Markus Lechner
- Please test glibc 2.0.94 Christian Meder
- problem with the debian sparc autofs Dinh-Tuan . Pham
- Still booting "blue" :( sjc
- smail problem in debian-sparc Dinh-Tuan . Pham
- SILO configuration Dinh-Tuan . Pham
- Re: glibc 2.0.94 for testing Anders Hammarquist
- 2.0.35 turbosparc kernel Derrick J Brashear
- Problems with daemon automount, kerneld and smail Dinh-Tuan . Pham
- Where did all the packages go??? John Goerzen
- Sparc SLC success story and an X11 question Petteri Kangaslampi
- help - Starting to port packages sjc
- sigh...strike that (dtmfdial) sjc
- glibc 2.0.95 source package Joel Klecker
- xterm-debian Dinh-Tuan . Pham
- Sound suport on IPC Stephen J. Carpenter
- possibly bug in C headers Stephen J. Carpenter
The last update was on 06:02 GMT Thu May 16. There are 254 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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