Re: Sparc status/my two cents
>I would like to add the problem of keyboard repeat. No one seems to
>care but it is very important to me. I have to enter my password many
>times just to login because I can't make my keyborad not repeating my
>password. May be I have a special type of typing with my finger
>staying on the key longer than ordinary folk.
I've been meaning to have a look at it, I just haven't had the time yet.
The repeat delay does seem rather short (I counted about 0.2 s), and
as far as I can tell it's kernel related (though, as I said, I haven't
really had the time to look at it yet).
-- Of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong.
Anders Hammarquist | Mud at Kingdoms |
NetGuide Scandinavia | telnet 1812 | Fax: +46 31 50 79 39 | | Tel: +46 31 50 79 40
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