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Jules Bean writes:
 > Hi there again...
 > Still no luck with my floppy drive.  However, I yesterday installed my
 > transceivers, and started net-booting.
 > All went well initially (I'm booting off redhat, I'm afraid - it's my
 > friend's machine) until the stage where it downloads the tftpboot.img.
 > I had deduced (by using tcpdump ;) that a sparc-2 is a sun4c, and was able
 > to name the file correctly.  It would show progress on the console up to
 > the end (26a400, IIRC) and then hang.  After a long time (5-10 min) it
 > would eventually say 'receive timedout' or something, and boot into Linux
 > (yay!  The penguin!).  However, it would then give hundreds of I/O errors
 > when trying to mount the RAM disk.

Well, I had a similar problem with my older Sun IPC and LX. I have
tried both the net booting and the tape booting (as explained in the
README on the redhat site). I got exactly the same behaviour as you
describe. At first I thought it comes from my tftp server (it ia
another SUN and strage enough, I find no command rarp so I just ignore
the step relate to this). Therefore I have tried booting by tape.

 > I tcpdump'ed the period while it is waiting, and the SPARC is doing lots
 > of ACK commands, clearly waiting for something.  Believing that redhat's
 > tftp was broken, I first updated it, and secondly copied across my debian
 > one, but these didn't fix it.
 > Eventually, on a whim, I noticed that the tftpboot.img is a odd-number of
 > bytes long.  I used dd to pad it with zeros to the nearest 4-byte
 > boundary, and tried again.  It works!  So this appears to be some
 > alignment issue with the SPARC's tftp code.

Can you explain more what you are doing. I may try it too.

 > Could this same thing be the problem with the floppies?  Are SS2's more
 > fussy about alignment?

I have been able to boot into linux with the debian floppies on the
sparc IPC. But I got into another problem: the keybord is repeating
too fast (actually the delay before repeating is so short). This is
vary annoying because it is quite hard to enter a passwd correctly to
login. Furthermore the same problem occure under X and xset does not
seem to have any effect on the keyboard repeat. I have tried to issue
"xset r off" to turn of keyboard repeating but to no avail. I have
post the problem to this news group but never get a solution. For this
reason, I would like very much to install the redhat sparc linux to
see if it works better.

PHAM Dinh Tuan                         | e-mail: Dinh-Tuan.Pham@imag.fr
Laboratoire de Modelisation et Calcul  | Tel: +33 4 76 51 44 23
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