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Re: Ethernet cards, Gfx programming

>I realised that i need a fast network connection between the PC and the
>Sparc. They must be connected at least with one 100Mbit Ethernet card.
>Much better would be 2 x 100Mbit Ethernet per machine (that would be
>approximately 25MB/s - in theory, right?). Maybe two more machines will
>be integrated as well (then i will think about hubs and/or switches,
>I'm trying to establish a system (as small as possible) which is highly
>redundant, is capable of handling/routing/processing incoming
>and may have one or more heads (terminals). Beowulf uses more Ethernet
>cards per node - with more throughput, but (maybe again related to the
>itself) they don't reach 20MB/s (as far as i remember).

First, as Dave said, you may want to consider things other than
Ethernet. For many machines FDDI is probably better if you want
predictable throughput. FibreChannel might also be something to look in

>Is it possible to use two 100Mbit Ethernet cards in a Sparc5?
>(what's the throughput? caveats?)

Shouldn't be any problem, the SS5 has 3 SBus slots (you loose one
for your framebuffer card which leaves 2 for 2 Ethernet Cards), and
there is plenty of bandwidth in the SBus.

>How much do i have to pay for one (respective two) cards?

While my prices are a bit out of date, we paid SEK 5000 (about DM 1100,-)
each for Sun's HME FastEthernet cards in 1996 - and that was with educational
discount. (Though SEK 2000 more got us Fast Wide SCSI-2 on the cards as well)
I expect that the prices are lower today, and with luck you may be able to
find used cards.

>Are there 3rd-party companies selling cheap(er) 100Mbit cards for
>Sparc5? (in Europe, preferably)

I don't know of any off-hand, but I would expect so. I know a guy how
sells 3rd-party sparc gear, I can ask him if you're interested.


 -- Of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong.
Anders Hammarquist   |       Mud at Kingdoms        | iko@netg.se
NetGuide Scandinavia |   telnet kingdoms.se 1812    | Fax: +46 31 50 79 39
http://www.netg.se   |                              | Tel: +46 31 50 79 40

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