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Re: Web Pages for debian-sparc?

I am all for this. The one thing that needs to be kept in mind is that
when you have web pages as large as ours, you just can't add new pages and
links at random. Everything must be added with with a larger picture in mind.
Even so, things get out of hand over time which is why there have been two
major overhauls of the web pages in two years.

> I recently suggested on debian-sparc that we needed a sparc web page, and
> this met with some approval.  I volunteered to put up a first draft.
> Where do you feel it should go?  Should it go in my home directory on
> master? (Does http://master.debin.org/~jules go to ~jules/public_html?)
Aside: I am trying to discourage people from using master for this sort
of thing. www.debian.org (va) is more appropriate place to put information
intended for a larger audience.

> Should it go somewhere in the main tree?  Should this be being discussed
> on a different mailing list?
It makes the most sense to have it be part of the main pages. If you are going
to do work on the web pages, you should subscribe to debian-www.

Here's what I propose:
Someone is given write access to the web page source (Jules I assume).
You are given your own subdirectory, /sparc which is webwml/english/sparc in
CVS, in which you create your own pages (using wml. Don't worry, this will
actually make your life easier and you won't have to learn wml, just install
it).  On the main Debian page, there then needs to be a link to the non-x86
specific pages.

Anything else?

Jay Treacy

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