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New mount and ssh -- zsh problem -- webpage considerations

> Yes, you're missing the .changes file. The normal procedure for a
> arch-specific upload it this:

Thanks to everyone who answered my question. Once I made friends with
cvs-buildpackage, everything went fine, though for some reason, pgp-i
on sparc seems to be unable to read the password from the tty.

So, I uploaded a newer mount to master and also a new ssh to non-us.
Right now I'm look into zsh which doesn't work on sparc, though I
already know why I think. It's compiled with --enable-zsh-mem to
configure which doesn't seem to play on sparc. Question is, should we
accept this as-is and thus compile zsh without --enable-zsh-mem
(making a non-maintainer upload and sending the patch to the
maintainer) or should we think of this as some problem with the
libc/gcc/kernel/whatever and concentrate our efforts into finding
whatever is causing it?

Also, as for the suggestion for a webpage for the sparc-team; I think
this is a great idea _if_ it can be kept current :) It also came to me
that we don't really know who is compiling/debugging which packages.
Would it be a good idea to make a list of (un)official sparc
maintainers for each package, thus eliminating the problem with
three-four developers working on the same thing, unaware of each

Jonas - http://www.mds.mdh.se/~kmm96jog/

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