Re: some problem with debian-sparc-linux
Anders Hammarquist writes:
> >Configuring serial port failed ...
> >Trying to load the serial modules manually
> >insmod serial: no modules by that name found
> >Cannot autoconfigure port: invalid argument
> >Cannot autoconfigure port: invalid argument
> >done
> >/dev/ttyS2: operation not support by device
> >/dev/ttyS3: operation not support by device
> >
> >What I have done wrong. I have never configured the serial port and in
> >the installation menu, I was never asked to do so.
> It looks like the setserial package thinking it's an i386. Don't worry
> about it, the serial ports work.
I have purged the packages setserials (together with ppp-config and ppp)
and those things disappear. I won't need the serial port anyway (?)
(and don't have a modem).
PHAM Dinh Tuan | e-mail:
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