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Re: Trivial programs =)

>Netscape for Linux/Sparc would be nice. I looked at Netscape's site
>and found Sparc versions for Solaris & SunOS.  Can I run one of these?

If you can get ahold of the libraries from Solaris or SunOS it should
work (at least SunOS, not sure about Solaris). IIRC, you put your
SunOS libs under /usr/genemul/sunos. (Haven't tried it myself.)

>I can't seem to build the JRE on my SS5, bombs on the dpkg-shlibs.

The java packages are a binary-only distribution for i386 (unless that has
changed recently). You will probably have better luck with kaffe.

>And what's up with gpm losing control of the mouse when
>xdm/Xwindows is running?  Is that the poor handling of the tty's mentioned
>here earlier?  Is that a kernel problem?  Handled in the unstable kernel tree?

Probably gpm and X not getting along when both are talking to /dev/mouse.
I'll look in to this and see if I can figure something out.


 -- Of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong.
Anders Hammarquist   |       Mud at Kingdoms        | iko@netg.se
NetGuide Scandinavia |   telnet kingdoms.se 1812    | Fax: +46 31 50 79 39
http://www.netg.se   |                              | Tel: +46 31 50 79 40

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