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Where did all the packages go???

OK, so it appears that hamm has disappeared from the archive (the sparc
part of it anyway.)

So I update my apt sources list to look in slink.  No problem.  But now, I
get a lot of packages listed as obsolete/local.  Looking at the archive,
things like dpkg-dev have even disappeared.  Where are they???

    --- Obsolete and local packages present on system ---
 *** Req base     adduser      3.8         <none>
 *** Req base     base-files   2.0         <none>
 *** Req base     comerr2g     1.10-10     <none>
 *** Req base     modconf      0.2.17      <none>
 *** Req base     ncurses-base 1.9.9g-8.6  <none>
 *** Req base     syslinux     1.30-6      <none>
    ----- Obsolete/local Important packages -----
    ------- Obsolete/local Important packages in section doc -------
 *** Imp doc      manpages     1.19-1      <none>
    ------- Obsolete/local Important packages in section utils -------
 *** Imp utils    dpkg-dev    <none>
    ----- Obsolete/local Standard packages -----
    ------- Obsolete/local Standard packages in section admin -------
 *** Std admin    ncurses-term 1.9.9g-8.6  <none>
    ------- Obsolete/local Standard packages in section base -------
 *** Std base     dpkg-ftp     <none>
    ------- Obsolete/local Standard packages in section doc -------
 *** Std doc      doc-debian   1.8         <none>
 *** Std doc      doc-linux-te 98.06-2     <none>
 *** Std doc      manpages-dev 1.19-1      <none>
    ------- Obsolete/local Standard packages in section net -------
 *** Std net      mime-support 2.17-1      <none>
    ------- Obsolete/local Standard packages in section text -------
 *** Std text     wenglish     1.0-9       <none>
   ----- Obsolete/local Optional packages -----
    ------- Obsolete/local Optional packages in section admin -------
 *** Opt admin    apt          0.0.17-1    <none>
    ------- Obsolete/local Optional packages in section devel -------
 *** Opt devel    debhelper    0.98        <none>
 *** Opt devel    debmake      3.5.11      <none>
 *** Opt devel    kernel-sourc 2.0.33-10   <none>
    ------- Obsolete/local Optional packages in section interpreters
 *** Opt interpre data-dumper  2.07-1.1    <none>
 *** Opt interpre libnet-perl  1.0605-1    <none>
 *** Opt interpre libwww-perl  5.32-1      <none>
    ------- Obsolete/local Optional packages in section non-free/x11
 *** Opt non-free freefont     0.10-8      <none>
    ------- Obsolete/local Optional packages in section utils -------
 *** Opt utils    debsums      1.0         <none>
 *** Opt utils    dupload      1.16        <none>
    ------- Obsolete/local Optional packages in section x11 -------
 *** Opt x11      xfnt100   <none>
 *** Opt x11      xfnt75   <none>
 *** Opt x11      xfntbase   <none>
 *** Opt x11      xfntbig   <none>
 *** Opt x11      xfntscl   <none>
    ----- Obsolete/local Extra packages -----
    ------- Obsolete/local Extra packages in section devel -------
 *** Xtr devel    dpkg-perl    0.1-2hamm1  <none>

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