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Re: sparc status? A cry for information, and an offer to help

>>>>> "Jules" == Jules Bean <jmlb2@hermes.cam.ac.uk> writes:
    Jules> Well, actually, the intel versions of libc6 is 2.0.7pre.
    Jules> (while we're on a pre of 2.1) But anyway, it does rather
    Jules> sound like my problems are specific to my machine (which I
    Jules> doubt) or to the SS2 or 4c architectures.

I'm aware of the difference between the architectures re glibc.  I meant that there isn't a more recent *sparc* libc6 that I've not installed.

    Jules> To satisfy my curiousity, would you execute the following
    Jules> on your machine:

    Jules> md5sum /usr/bin/ldd /lib/libc-2.0.93.so

3519891fb43b6a1d5ff81c9e69034359  /usr/bin/ldd
547e0385a5a3b8c604aa9a3b6d17323e  /lib/libc-2.0.93.so

    Jules> ..but I'm clutching at straws.

    Jules> *yawn*

Well you will live in GMT. So much more daylight in Northern
California. :)

all coders are created equal; that they are endowed with certain
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pursuit of bugfixes...  - Gregory R Block

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