debian-user Oct 2001 by thread
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dual boot with Win 2000? Lance Heller
resiserfs on woody install? Robert L. Harris
What is the ide-tape device name (/dev/?) ? Michael Fontenot
free proxy server a
procmail alephtnull
pptpd questions Dean Roman
PDF viewer... Ricardo Diz
Re: W3C Patent Policy Comments to Close 30 Sept (RAND Fee-based standards) Karsten M. Self
Re: display manager related Karsten M. Self
Re: Opti 82c924 Michael Heldebrant
Re: <b>logrotate</b> still not workin Michael Heldebrant
Re: DHCP problems with cable modem Michael Heldebrant
Re: cannot mount zip--totally strange Michael Heldebrant
OpenGL causes hard system lockups Matthew Garman
Re: A challenge: 8,000 serial number labels Indraneel Majumdar
Woody printing problem Lars Jensen
smbmount without password Matthew Garman
Re: OT: forking so apache won't wait will trillich
Re: Setting tab length universally will trillich
Re: how to fight back against Michael Bramer's spam Glyn Millington
NIS and initgroups Bristow Paul-BPB007
testing with 2.4.9 ppp apt-get upgrade errors Mark Robinson
aptitude basically unusable: what happened? Erik Steffl
DHCP PUMP trouble Eskild Wikkeling
Upgradeing for largefile support? Stan Brown
What's the device name for my tape drive? Stan Brown
How to generate a random number? Liu Tao
Q about autofs Bill Benedetto
test Marko Filipovic
- <Possible follow-ups>
- test Scott Glover
- test Paul McHale
- Test Antonio Rodriguez
- Test Roland Hinkley
- test Antonio Rodriguez
Re: kernel-source-2.4.9-1 builds but does not boot Russell Coker
Re: What to choose Russell Coker
Purging deb Jose Manuel Perez
IRC DCC through a firewall Andrew Pritchard
HELP: system hangs at boot Lars Jensen
Failed Initialization of WD-7000 SCSI CARD Mike Towery
I nedd help with coccon !! debian
PHP Compilation error Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Characters can't be shown correctly on tty Liu Tao
X related Jeffrin Jose T .
NIC problems Nils-Erik Svangard
ipmasqadm bug in potato 2.2r3 - 2.2.18 - i386 Andreas Beham
Re: Tulip driver unresolved symbols (UPDATE) D.
how to install debian originally from cd but copied to HD ramsubs
What am I doing wrong? (apt-get via http proxy) Stan Brown
eht0: Cared reports out of resouces Stan Brown
Building 2.4.9 kernel for a laptop Darryl L. Pierce
Postscript printer doesn't work... Michael Fontenot
requesting information Marc Weldon
Re: Gnome + wmaker (problem switching workspaces) Antonio Arauzo
JDK on Gary Hennigan
Cant install Debian, please help Søren Neigaard
vidoe ram? /2much parn
Debian install Søren Neigaard
Can't compile an exact copy of kernel image. Ricardo Gazoni
proper setup of /dev/dri for normal users? Matthew Garman
SPARC Station 5: how to find out what's the HW configuration? Erik Steffl
test - please ignore/delete Vineet Kumar
Java / resin on debian ANOOP KUMAR
How can I use dselect from behind a firewall? Stan Brown
re: video ram? parn
Trapped in X Rory O'Connor
Exim error Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
[OT] Sane envelope sender Damon Muller
wm menus Rory O'Connor
gs vs. gs-aladdin Bill Wohler
modules not loading BizarroBum
Is everyone else seeing duplicate old posts? hmike
What's making the list go back in time? Jeffrey W. Baker
A Very Big Apology Allen Wayne Best
Realplayer installer broken in sid? Nick Hastings
anyone using postfix in a home LAN setup? Matthew Garman
sendmail hash in / Mike Pfleger
IDE CD burning problem Petteri Heinonen
libc6 problems in compilation Indraneel Majumdar
problems with diskless booting Jason Pepas
italian keyboard Vittorio
Warrior Guillaume
Problem apache+mod_rewrite Jose Manuel Perez
need help with script Christian Schoenebeck
why does apt want to install this? Michael P. Soulier
Crash postmortem. oivvio polite
difference between upgrade and dist-upgrade Michael P. Soulier
modules - can't get ip BizarroBum
Default DHCP client for Debian Andrew Nesbit
Network Cards Mike Grover
Trying to figure out where the kernel sources went. HdV
Unidentified subject! kiran hiriyanna
package sig checking ? christophe barbé
Stable -> 2.4 kernel, best path? Stan Brown
NIS/NFS alternatives? Greg Fischer
diskless boot over network and DHCP Pavel Jurus
No ARP-Reply seidel
How do you set time limits in ProFTP using PAM? Kimsey-Hickman, Brian
HUGE .xsession-errors file David Purton
Re: Problem with hda1 ('/) at boottime, what now? Carlos Sousa
Snort - syslog, docs & packages [longish] Robb Kidd
Re: Error files in / Michael C. Alonzo
Kde Eileen Orbell
apt-get do not yields to 'n' Mario Olimpio de Menezes
installing debian on a Jaz Maxime Gamboni
ping works not on all sites Timo "Blazko" Boewing
How can I get dselect's selection to match what's installed? Stan Brown
nVidia kernel driver fails to initialize nebrich
error related Jeffrin Jose T .
putting cdrom into sources.list Alex Hunsley
Apache Out of Memory Thomas R. Shemanske
Pan and HTML messages Jeffrey W. Baker
Indenting with magicfilter Michael Fontenot
Single floppy to CD installation John W Sherman
How get CUPS? Michael Fontenot
Lexmark E210 Printer Steven Kurylo
inatalling debian through a socks4 server Ian Corbett
libreadline4 package error Miller, Matt
compiling a kernel? Hans Steinraht
Gnome and X no longer works Chun Kit Edwin Lau
psql: IDENT authentication failed for user 'js' Johann Spies
Forwarding X apps Kyle Girard
Re: So many package tools, apt, dselect, dpkg, which should I choose? will trillich
mouse problems in KDE tim
Man Michael Grover
[ xfree86, installation question] Branden Robinson
dvips printing problem Dale Morris
telnet sucks michael young
Dell Inspiron 7500 install problems neigaard
WordPerfect 8 problem (won't run) Russ Cook
Pon Michael Grover
How to fix device asignment oredre? Stan Brown
international characters in mutt Stig Brautaset
Problems with dosemu Cheryl Homiak
Re: D-Link DFE-530TX+ Problem mikepolniak
Assembler -to- Binary vs. C -to- Binary shyamk
Another debconf-db than config.dat Alexander Hosfeld
Kernel Panic: VFS Unable to mount root fs on 21:04 Stan Brown
Startup Michael Grover
starting sympa fails Hans Bausewein
IPTables questions Julio Merino
The last update was on 07:41 GMT Thu Jul 04. There are 5673 messages. Page 2 of 12.
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