Re: international characters in mutt
* Doug Hespe <> spake thus:
> On Sat, Oct 06, 2001 at 09:55:18PM +0200, Viktor Rosenfeld wrote:
> >
> > Try overwriting LC_MESSAGES, ie
> >
> > LANG=de_DE LC_MESSAGES=C mutt .
> >
> > mutt should speak English again, while showing German characters.
> >
> Aha! Thanks Victor. That works well if I launch mutt from the command
> line (I set up an alias in .bashrc) but I usually launch it from the
> mailbox icon in Tkdesk. Are there any Tkdesk gurus out there who can
> tell me what to change in the following line from the config file?
> {{Mutt} {eval dsk_exec $tkdesk(cmd,xterm) -geometry 80x73+250+25 -e
> 'LANG=de_DE LC_MESSAGES=C mutt'}}
> originally I had:
> {{Mutt} {eval dsk_exec $tkdesk(cmd,xterm) -geometry 80x73+250+25 -e
> mutt}}
> which worked like the one Stig Brautaset complained of. Unfortunately,
> so does my new one. I have tried various combinations of ` `, ' ', and
> " " enclosing the 'LANG=de_DE LC_MESSAGES=C mutt' stuff, but no
> success as yet.
Glad someone got something out of my cry for help ;)
Unfortunately, my problem is still unresolved. I might have to join the
mutt mailinglist or something (*sigh* another one.. just what I need...)
or seriously STFW (as if I haven't already, but hey; practice makes
perfect :)
Registered Linux User 107343
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