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Forwarding X apps

What does one have to do to enable X apps to be forwarded to my machine?

For two machine named debian and firewall respectively, I want to
forward a display from fireall to debian

on debian:

xhost + firewall

on firewall

export DISPLAY=debian:0

I try and run any program and I get 'cannot open DISPLAY'

so my first thought was that I didn't have the correct ports open... so
I did an nmap localhost and sure enough

Port       State       Service
21/tcp     open        ftp                     
22/tcp     open        ssh                     
515/tcp    open        printer 

are the only ports open on my machine, I uncommented the x11 services
from my /etc/services restarted xinetd... I didn't think it would work
but it felt good to try...

I assume that you have to add an /etc/xinetd.conf entry for x11 but I
can't find one.. or is there something else I have to do...

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