debian-68k Jan 2000 by thread
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Unidentified subject! ben
167 install ben
VME bus access in Linux Manfred Huber
FYI Linux Gaxette #49 G. Olson
dhcp server daaan
Apology for forgetting subj in prev post Lee Elliott
Official way of removing items from boot process Nigel Pegram
Install program problem. Enrico Cera
Re: bash-2.04 beta3 for testing Christian T. Steigies
Re: [Re: bash-2.04 beta3 for testing] jeramy b smith
Clock problem. R . S . L .
Text files Nigel Pegram
Install question... Enrico Cera
Re: Need your input for keymap configuration Hartmut Koptein
kernel-image-2.2.10-amiga Christian T. Steigies
520c Joel Dunham
Mac LC 630 James Waterhouse
Definitive package list for 2.1r5... Vincent Renardias
Util-linux. R . S . L .
Centris SONIC Ethernet Matthew Cox
Problems with Amiga @K with GVP accelerator. Mark and Tamara
Kernel 2.3.39 and GCC 2.95 Marcin Juszkiewicz
Non Starter :( Phil Merricks
Non Starter :( UPDATE Phil Merricks
new install network problem Roger Weinheimer
libssl and OpenSSH work now! Roman Hodek
Re: Test 2.2.10 kernel images/modules/etc. for Atari and Mac wb2oyc
amiga-fdisk 0.4 and debian/potato boot floppies. Sven LUTHER
xfree86-1 3.3.6-3; 3 down, 3 to go Branden Robinson
G4 and LC475 Samuel Hornus
Kaffe Ben Hills
potato install James Waterhouse
installed on centris 610 Roger Weinheimer
X Window System available for debian-m68k? Roger Weinheimer
HMmm.. blasted X and damm my foolish action David Ellison
Re: kernel Roger Weinheimer
Booting 2.2 kernel on an SE/30 Mark Zimmerman
The last update was on 10:54 GMT Fri May 24. There are 280 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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