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Re: M68K boot floppies / CDs

> Actually, I'm still tempted to put my foot down and say ``Until the
> m68k archive is valid, they cannot expect to see official m68k CDs
> released''.  This might perhaps ensure that we don't get this
> happening for the potato release.  The thing is, why should some CDs
> that were created by me from an archive that I've ``fixed'' be
> considered ``official'' ?


please accept the fact that the m68k people can't fix anything on the FTP
servers, including broken symlinks (and please accept my explanation that
changing the current symlink to 0606 isn't even near enough). The FTP team
needs to apply the fixes I outlined in my previous mail, that's all.

In conclusion: I can't fix the FTP archive, and I refuse to do anything
more on this matter. I've uploaded boot-floppies updates twice already
(the first set from mid-April made it into disks-m68k/<whatsitsname-0606>
in June, the second from last month just got installed but is incomplete). 
I share your experience about the boot-floppies brokenness, but I for my
part are more annoyed about the tone of discussion, and about the
procedural hurdles, than about the occasional messup. 

This is my last word on this matter, and on m68k boot-floppies in general.
Thank you.


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