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Util-linux problem.

HI all,
Hi Chris,
I downloaded the latest version of util-linux which is the 2.10d-4. I had
previously installed the version 2.9g-6.0.1.
When I decompress the util-linux I get an error, and I can't execute any

if I type hwclock for example this is the output:

Segmentation fault

So I tried to decompress the package in another directory than directly to / .
I tried to execute the binary files like more, dmesg but I get always the same
error. There is some problem whit the package 
or Did I do something wrong?
I don't use dselect to decompress debian packages.
I always used dpkg-deb command whit the option -X.
But this time I get an error while decompressing the file, because the file
getty is used by the system and it can not be replaced (this is a my opinion).
So i decompressed the archive in another directory, but I get the same error
when executing:

segmentation fault.

There is something to do?
Con you help me?

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