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Re: Boot problem.

At 9:25 PM -0600 1/10/00, Michael Thibault wrote:
>>console=ttyS0,38400 (or some other suitable data rate) in the penguin
>>command line should be all you need to get started. I'd reccomend testing
>>the serial link before booting with the free(beer) terminal program 'zterm'.
>Mabe I don't get the inside joke, but ZTerm is shareware and, in the day,
>was worth the price. Termy, among others, is free, though, as is Kermit. On
>the subject of ZTerm and the error report, can a second Mac running ZTerm,
>listening on the serial port (IWII cable connecting both machines) serve to
>capture the output? Has anyone tried this? If so, any obstacles or tips?

Free beer in the broadest sense would cover non-crippled shareware. I
suppose I could have been more specific, but it remains that you can
download and use the full capabilities of zterm without shelling out any

And yes, I've used an Imagewriter II cable between 2 macs to capture
output, it works quite well.

>>You might also check the serial port preconfigure options in Penguin-18 to
>>be sure that the serial hardware isn't powered off by MacOS when linux is
>Isn't it off by default in Penguin's default settings?

Penguin defaults to not touching the serial ports, since it's only
nessacary on powerbooks and for the occasional debugging session where you
need to set the serial speed before the kernel knows how to.

>Happy to report my Q800 boots to the winged mammal; I'm anxiously awaiting
>a CD, to complete the installation.

Good to hear. :)

Cheers - Tony :)

Tony Mantler         Renaissance Nerd Extraordinaire         eek@escape.ca
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada                       http://www.escape.ca/~eek

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