debconf-team Apr 2009 by thread
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- Re: [Debconf-team] Update on sponsorship? Tiago Bortoletto Vaz
- Re: [Debconf-team] Planning for the schedule Andreas Tille
- [Debconf-team] A little question about Debconf registering Marcos Blanco Galán
- [Debconf-team] penta question Thomas Lange
- [Debconf-team] Update header in home blog Valessio Brito
- Re: [Debconf-team] Volunteer DebConf Holger Levsen
- Re: [Debconf-team] invitation letter (for universities and employers ) Re: DebConf 9 - Main page Holger Levsen
- [Debconf-team] Meeting TOMORROW: 2009-04-07, 19 UTC / 21 CET Moray Allan
- [Debconf-team] DC9 Global Team Meeting Minutes Richard Darst
- [Debconf-team] Dead links on the website Mehdi Dogguy
- [Debconf-team] Request for comments: DC8 Final Report Margarita Manterola
- [Debconf-team] DebConf & accessability [Re: DebConf: D-I Workshops and a D-I talk to explain and motivate?] Luk Claes
- [Debconf-team] sponsorship allocation team & request Ana Guerrero
- Re: [Debconf-team] Accessibility in DC9 Holger Levsen
- [Debconf-team] DC9 Global/Local team meeting minutes, 2009 April 14 Richard Darst
- [Debconf-team] Reminder: sponsorship team meeting, today (14 April 2009), 20.30 UTC Richard Darst
- Re: [Debconf-team] DebConf8 final report / deadline reminders Adeodato Simó
- [Debconf-team] Sponsorship team meeting minutes, 2009 April 14 Richard Darst
- [Debconf-team] LiMux@DebianDay? Florian Schießl
- [Debconf-team] Family at Debconf Colin Watson
- [Debconf-team] proposal for a presentation at Debconf9 Jose Lancho
- [Debconf-team] about network Anto Recio
- [Debconf-team] New Debian design on dc Agnieszka "pixelgirl" Czajkowska
- [Debconf-team] Sponsored DSL connection[s] César Gómez Martín
- [Debconf-team] Organizatinal Meetings Richard Darst
- Re: [Debconf-team] [Debconf-discuss] How much is the regular room? Holger Levsen
- [Debconf-team] Organizational Meeting: Monday, 20 UTC Richard Darst
- [Debconf-team] lightning talks with or without id? Holger Levsen
- [Debconf-team] Organizational Meeting Minutes, April 20th Richard Darst
- [Debconf-team] Room allocation: Volunteer needed - Penta question Margarita Manterola
- Re: [Debconf-team] DebConf9: Call For Papers Holger Levsen
- [Debconf-team] where on the website to acknowledge+thank for ffis e.V.s contribution Holger Levsen
- [Debconf-team] Accessibility checklist wikipage Tiago Bortoletto Vaz
- Re: [Debconf-team] Please, update your travel sponsorship request for DebConf9 Jan Hauke Rahm
- [Debconf-team] Events registerred by more than one person; Penta issues Andreas Tille
- [Debconf-team] About sponsoring deadline Otavio Salvador
- [Debconf-team] Sex and T-Shirts and RnR W. Martin Borgert
- [Debconf-team] Some help needed (Accessibility) Agnieszka "pixelgirl" Czajkowska
- [Debconf-team] Reminder: Global team meeting, 27 April 19 UTC Richard Darst
- [Debconf-team] [Fwd: about network] Anto Recio
- [Debconf-team] how many people in Deb Camp? thanks Anto Recio
- [Debconf-team] new venue Anto Recio
- [Debconf-team] venue Anto Recio
- [Debconf-team] Travel sponsorship Per Andersson
- [Debconf-team] incongruences in penta Ana Guerrero
- [Debconf-team] DC10 Visa meeting - 2009 April 29, 23:59 UTC Richard Darst
- [Debconf-team] Minutes from 2009 April 27 Meeting Richard Darst
- [Debconf-team] Booths at Open DebConf Day Margarita Manterola
- [Debconf-team] what about the swine flu ?? Sebastian Montini
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