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Re: [Debconf-team] Planning for the schedule

On Thu, Apr 02, 2009 at 01:55:32PM +0100, Daniel Silverstone wrote:
> first slot starts 09:30, on the first day, first talk at 10:00
> talks run from 09:30 to 13:00
> Lunch and siesta from 13:00 to 16:00
> talks run from 16:00 to 20:00
> dinner at 20:00
> Obviously that is dependent on what the local catering wants for lunch
> and dinner in terms of times, but it would give us seven and a half
> hours of talk time per day.

No sure we'll be able to have lunch so early as 13:00, my guess is it will be
something more like start at 13:30. Same with dinner, rather 20:30 than 20:00.
Anyway, I am sure the times might be agreed with the place where we are having
the meals.

OTOH, I have found funny the "siesta" reference here. Let me explain.

Given it is so hot in summer at the afternoon time, we tend to try to start
the day very early (well, unless you are in holidays...), so we can go out
before it is too hot. 
A lot of people, wake up early-ish about 6:30/7:00, goes to work from 7:30/8:00 to 
15:00 [*], eat about 15:30 and sleep siesta from 16:00~18:00 or so, because it is
so hot in the afternoon you basically can not do anything else. Then you go to 
sleep late about 1:00. 
These schedules are very subjective, of course, but might give you an idea.

My request is call it lunch time, afternoon rest, or something like that,
but no siesta please :)

Actually an early schedule would make sense this year, but sadly, it does 
not fit too much with usual debcof attendee hacking until late and sometimes 
missing early talks in the morning...

I think we should try to use better the morning time, something like from 9:00
to 13:30. Honestly, I do not expect too much productivity of the afternoon
talks :(


[*] No that we work less than 40h/week, that time is recovered and/or worked

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