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Re: [Debconf-team] lightning talks with or without id?

On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 09:55:25PM +0200, Holger Levsen said:
> Hi,
> should lightning talks be registered with or without id in penta?
> Which is quite related to the fact, that we dont have a lightning talk 
> scheduled yet and thus noone responsible for doing it.
> Last year, lightning talks were collected in the wiki and only the whole event 
> had an id and was recorded as such. The videoteam has (a bit, not really 
> much) less work with just one id. If each lightning talk has an id, we would 
> release ~10 different short talks, else one big one. 
> Both has advantages and disadvantages when viewing them - what do you think?

Having them all have seperate ids seems like overkill to me, but it's
just an opinion - you've covered the pros and cons above.  I guess it
comes down to admin overhead for each approach.

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|  steve@lobefin.net             | all internet packets in the search for  |
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