debian-user May 2016 by thread
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Mitel Users Kaitlyn williamson
Re: debian-user-digest Digest V2016 #417 Tom Dial
WebGL support suddely broken Paolo Cavallini
Re: Network Problem Johann Spies
butuh dana sekarang ahmad husen husen
boot hangs at network interfaces Henning Follmann
Re: Sound with You Tube andrew
Migrating Windows on a physical server to KVM with Debian Jessie Daniel Bareiro
Setting up UEFI boot Mark Fletcher
Re: [Jessie] Is there a way to delay bonding interface initalization to happen after network driver is up Mariusz Gronczewski
NetSuite Users Sophia Stark
Openssl -showcerts "verify error" Ron Leach
Re: nelsondunamis_find__your_perfect____ dentist Ibe Nelson
Installing jessie on laptop from usb live iso Ralph Sanchez
iptables changes triggering audit messages, despite auditd not being installed Tony Evans
iptables changes generating audit entries in kern.log despite auditd not being installed Tony Evans
Testing AT&T, so routing setup ken
Sudo/root issues... Ralph Sanchez
UPDATE NOTIFIER Stanley Reznicek
Boost Your Business Performance : Mike Cathey
Re: Network unreachable
gvfs mount issues ('not authorized to perform operation') Mart van de Wege
network scanner not detected Pierre Frenkiel
Installing pepperflashplugin on Chromium on Wheezy which has not previously had Google-Chrome installed. Lisi Reisz
Analog, domain not given and IPv6 Rob van der Putten
Errors with Amavis cron jobs Daniel Guillermo Bareiro
nosh version 1.27 Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
recurrent soft/hard lockup on CPU Seb
C program launched by start-stop-daemon fails to catch signals CN Lisi Reisz
Debian On a Lenovo P70 Gian Uberto Lauri
Dual Boot Debian and Windows 10? HP Garcia
mplayer: --alang option Pierre Frenkiel
libssl update problem Gene Heskett
google-chome aborted Marc Auslander
stretch findings (kali flavor) Jude DaShiell
ghost partition Haines Brown
Wlan0 problems Ralph Sanchez
Flashplayer on 32 bit computers Lisi Reisz
Debian package: Quilt | git | add files to package Denny Fuchs
cups (sharing network printer) Pol Hallen
Shell - escapes Die Optimisten
bash - shell events "!" Die Optimisten
Re: Re: "lvmetad is not active yet" Javier Carreño
How to find reason for sporadic chime from computer? Kynn Jones
Lượt khách truy cập rất nhiều... Tran Tai
dpkg: error: error executing hook Curt
mutt attachment error Haines Brown
Re: pastebinning (was: Posts don't show on list) cbannister
jessie: can't install that which found Felix Miata
dist-upgrade: Current status: 0 broken [~42], 0 updates [~880], 24238 new [~79] Felix Miata
clamtk freetuxtv lxde-logout, rant for "essential user perspective" H. E. Çitak
Iceweasel uses wrong charset Rob van der Putten
archivemail screwed up (some of) my backups steve
Re: Portable Debian? Steve Matzura
Creating a home network Richard Owlett
The last update was on 11:24 GMT Sun May 24. There are 1122 messages. Page 1 of 3.
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