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Re: Latex / TeTex Local Guide

Johann Spies wrote:
> On Tue, 2 Feb 1999, D.L.Whiteley (Dave) wrote:
> > I am just starting to play with LaTeX for the first time. According
> > to the book "LaTeX A Document Preparation System" by Leslie Lamport,
> > there should be a document called the Local Guide distributed with
> > the software.
> >
> > Where do I find it in the Debian Hamm distribution?
> >
> $ locate guide | grep -i latex
> /usr/lib/texmf/doc/latex/base/cfgguide.dvi
> /usr/lib/texmf/doc/latex/base/clsguide.dvi

  The local guide is intended to be site-specific, to tell people how
to do and where to find various things. It usually does *not* come
with the distribution, but should be written by the local maintainer.
There is
an example of the local guide, written by L. Lamport for *his* site. I
find it in Debian's TeTeX installation but I have it on another
I could send it to you if you're interested. I also wrote a local guide
our site, in French. I'll give the URL if you want to have a look.

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