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Re: off topic - Assembler using GCC

On Thu, Feb 04, 1999 at 12:51:28PM +0800, ivan wrote:
> >
> >Mmmh. What do you need this for?
> Primarily learning but I would like a few very simple highly optimised
> graphics routines for my machine.  Line, circle, box and fill for e.g.

Well, if you don't need them for some very special purpose, they would be
"wasted code", in the sense that nobody could make use of it (not general
enough, not addressing to much people etc). However, for learning purpose
everything is "legitim" and useful.

> I was considering this until I read the comments of the current (?) svgalib
> maintainer in which he said that he had tried to contribute
> ideas/discussion/code(?) and got the impression that if he didn't agree
> with *everything* that was said & done by the ggi team then he wasn't
> really that welcome.

Note that this was written _years_ ago (I read the text 1996). I am not sure
if it is still correct. Also, note that sometimes people with different
goals simply can't work together, this is not necessarily bad. ggi is used
in Berlin today, and seems to be very interesting.

> I have no comment on this as I do not know the full circumstances but a
> maintainer making statements like that was enough to put me off ggi.

Mmh. Can I say more than "go and look for yourself"?
> >You could also write your own (dirty!) kernel
> >device driver module which allows you to access hardware directly. This is
> >not too hard.
> >
> Thanks - I'm thinking about this now.  Are there any references other than
> the kernel hackers guide on writing drivers ?  The khg wasn't clear enough
> for a bear of little brain such as I.

I wrote a very simple stupid module in a weekends time, it isn't to hard.
Once you have the framework, you can allocate IRQ's and ioports. There is
lots of example code in the kernel, it's really useful to work from

Have Fun,

"Rhubarb is no Egyptian god."        Debian GNU/Linux        finger brinkmd@ 
Marcus Brinkmann                   http://www.debian.org    master.debian.org
Marcus.Brinkmann@ruhr-uni-bochum.de                        for public  PGP Key
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