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LPRng - Solved!!

It works!! It works!! It works!!

First, I'd like to take this opportunity to personally and publically
thank those who took the time to help me on this one!  (I'm sorry if I
missed anyone...so "thank you" all...)

Thanks go to:
Carey Evans <c.evans@clear.net.nz>
John <jtc@stic.net>
Heikki Vatiainen <hessu@cs.tut.fi>
Jason Guntrorpe <jgg@ualberta.ca>
Eric <ej@goomba.dyn.ez-ip.net>
Tony Mollica <tmollica@silcom.com>
Michael E. Touloumtzis <toumi01@cai.com>
Ed Hingsbergen <ehingsbe@3x.com>

What'd I do to fix it?  Glad you asked!
First, I took 10-12 hours away from the computer and spent that time
with my family.
Second, I realized that *I* must have been making it harder than it
needed to be.
Third, I remembered that I *was* using Debian afterall and I should be
able to install the LPRng
package with little or no modification, so I purged (the package, not my
stomach...I wasn't *that* upset...) and re-installed the latest LPRng
package (from Incoming at the time).
Finally, I edited /etc/printcap to look like this:

lp|HP LaserJet 5L

Note the lack of ":\"'s at the ends of the lines.  This is how LPRng
makes 'em.  Even though the printcap(8) manpage claims they can be used
for backward compatibility, don't use 'em.  Also,
somewhere  I'm *sure* I read that the "lp=" *must* point to the host,
it's obviouslly not needed.
I'm not sure about "pl" "pw" "pc" "mx" or "sh" but I'm *not* touching a
working configuration...

Way too easy!

Thanks for being patient with me!!!

Chuck Stickelman, Owner                 E-Mail:
Practical Network Design                Voice:  +1-419-529-3841
9 Chambers Road                         FAX:    +1-419-529-3625
Mansfield, OH 44906-1301 USA

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